Exercise Advice

Hey guys, I’m new to MFP and am managing to keep to my calorie count, but not sure if my exercise is enough.

I can’t run due to shin splints, so I currently I power walk (about 6.5km an hour speed) for 45 minutes (4-6 days a week) and also do about half an hour of working out at home including free weights, crunches, squats and lunges (4 days a week).

I’d love to know if this is enough to assist in my weight loss (3bs a week) and also toning up – legs/arms/stomach or if I should be doing anything more?? I am not a gym person so anything I do needs to be able to be done at home etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!



  • AnnaValek
    AnnaValek Posts: 129 Member
    3 lbs per week is incredibly unhealthy unless you have a significant weight difference between your now weight and your goal weight. Keep it around 1-2 lbs, but don't go overboard if you don't see results fast enough. Bodies need to adjust and some bodies won't lose weight like others do.

    Powerwalking is only beneficial when it brings your heart rate up and keeps it there. Sprinting and running is usually my #1 suggestion, but since that's a no-can-do for you I would suggest a clip pace on an elliptical. Elsewise, try bicycling. Fast pace, variety of grounds such as uphill.

    Extend your home workout as well. It takes at least 10-15 minutes of constant exercise before you begin losing any weight. Experiment with different workouts, yoga routines, planks, etc, and find what you feel leaves you sore at night. If it leaves you sore, (though not in pain or extreme discomfort), your muscles are getting a workout.

    Additionally, revise your daily menu, if you will. I can't see your tracker, but I'm guessing that you may not be putting your calorie allowance where it needs to be. Makes sure you're getting your necessary servings of fruits, carbs, proteins, vegetables, and etc.