Gym irritation



  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    It's a horrible habit of mine but I am super critical of people who aren't actually using the equipment or using it effectively. People who are reading a magazine or a book on a treadmill moving at about 3 mph, and people who get on for 10-15 minutes and get off before even breaking a sweat. UGH!!!

    That is a horrible habit, you're right. I go at 3 mph and work up a sweat, thank you very much. I also do only ten minutes on each piece of equipment. Some of us don't have the tolerance yet to do any more than that at a time.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Sounds like you need a good laugh about the gym....this oughta do it:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    It's a horrible habit of mine but I am super critical of people who aren't actually using the equipment or using it effectively. People who are reading a magazine or a book on a treadmill moving at about 3 mph, and people who get on for 10-15 minutes and get off before even breaking a sweat. UGH!!!

    I've seen this quite a few times as well. LOL! The ones with the books seem to be the ones that are on the equiptment for really long periods of time.

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    Very well said. I'm so glad I do not go to the same gym as these people!
  • seanian
    seanian Posts: 103
    Meh, I don't get why people would get defensive of their own habits in a thread called "Gym Irritation"

    I also don't see the point in using exercise equipment to walk, I can walk anywhere anytime I need. I can't jog or run sustained distances with varying inclines. The people that I referred to are not even in the mindset to do their body any good (wearing uggs, not breaking a sweat). I dislike those people because yes they are doing *SOMETHING* but the 30-40 calories they burn off is probably going right back on and then some when they eat. A lot of people tend to pack on a little extra because they deserved it for going to the gym, but if you aren't actually creating a calorie deficit you are just hurting yourself.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    If you don't go to the gym to get hot and sweaty then you shouldnt bother. Theres a few girls at mine that just go to pout and dart about doing sweet f all. It irritates me but I like to think of the money they are wasting
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Meh, I don't get why people would get defensive of their own habits in a thread called "Gym Irritation"

    I also don't see the point in using exercise equipment to walk, I can walk anywhere anytime I need. I can't jog or run sustained distances with varying inclines. The people that I referred to are not even in the mindset to do their body any good (wearing uggs, not breaking a sweat). I dislike those people because yes they are doing *SOMETHING* but the 30-40 calories they burn off is probably going right back on and then some when they eat. A lot of people tend to pack on a little extra because they deserved it for going to the gym, but if you aren't actually creating a calorie deficit you are just hurting yourself.

    For me, that is not a walk, that is a jog. I am short and therefore have a short strides. Perhaps you should focus on your own workout :flowerforyou:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I just got home from the gym tonight and I'm not normally the type to let little dumb things get to me but tonight just kinda got under my skin. First off, my best friend is halfways the reason I got started going to the gym. She was given a membership by her parents so I went and bought one thinking that we'd do it together. Well I have wholeheartedly fallen in love with working out and I am more than motivated to go every single day although I know that my body needs a day of rest. I called her to tell her that I would meet her at the gym as we had planned tonight and she goes on to tell me that she's not feeling up to it and just doesn't feel the greatest. She is the quickest person that will complain about her weight, but yet makes excuses all the time to get out of doing anything about it. *sigh* Anyway, she did end up coming so I made sure to tell her that I was very happy and proud of her for coming even though she didn't feel the greatest in hopes that maybe it will keep her motivated. (I'm thinking that maybe I should just worry about myself, but at the same time she IS my friend)

    The second thing that grated me the wrong way was there were a couple of girls that everytime we would go to move on to our next exersize, they were on the equiptment. It's not that they were on it that was irritating but the whole time they were "goofing off" and not even seriously using the equiptment properly. Half the time they were on the machines they didn't have them running and were busy chatting. I guess that I'm one of those that takes my time there seriously and get into "zen" mode.
    Seriously, I am never normally this cranky especially when it comes to working out. I guess today was just one of those days. Sorry for the rant, but maybe some of you can relate :)

    First, it's great that your friend will do this with you but you have to do it for yourself. If she doesn't go, who cares go hit it. :)

    Yeah, people like that suck which is a secondary reason as to why I prefer free weights. Next time just ask if you can work in with them. :)
  • seanian
    seanian Posts: 103
    Meh, I don't get why people would get defensive of their own habits in a thread called "Gym Irritation"

    I also don't see the point in using exercise equipment to walk, I can walk anywhere anytime I need. I can't jog or run sustained distances with varying inclines. The people that I referred to are not even in the mindset to do their body any good (wearing uggs, not breaking a sweat). I dislike those people because yes they are doing *SOMETHING* but the 30-40 calories they burn off is probably going right back on and then some when they eat. A lot of people tend to pack on a little extra because they deserved it for going to the gym, but if you aren't actually creating a calorie deficit you are just hurting yourself.

    For me, that is not a walk, that is a jog. I am short and therefore have a short strides. Perhaps you should focus on your own workout :flowerforyou:

    I do and its been going great! Feel free to check out my progress pics!!

    If this was a thread about my workout I would gladly go far into detail about it. Sadly it is not its about what irritates people at the gym. People who don't do much of anything at the gym irritate me because waiting 20 minutes for someone to get off of a treadmill when they are doing the equivalent of walking around the block is a waste of my time as well as their own. This is a thread to vent what irritates you apparently what irritates me is very offensive to you that happens sometimes in life especially if you walk into a thread that is going to be controversial. I am sure there are other people that have some the activities listed and they don't need to try and justify them to anybody else. Enjoy your workouts and continue with your progress and one day you will be able to run on the treadmill and it will be a major milestone that will only further you towards your goals.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Meh, I don't get why people would get defensive of their own habits in a thread called "Gym Irritation"

    I also don't see the point in using exercise equipment to walk, I can walk anywhere anytime I need. I can't jog or run sustained distances with varying inclines. The people that I referred to are not even in the mindset to do their body any good (wearing uggs, not breaking a sweat). I dislike those people because yes they are doing *SOMETHING* but the 30-40 calories they burn off is probably going right back on and then some when they eat. A lot of people tend to pack on a little extra because they deserved it for going to the gym, but if you aren't actually creating a calorie deficit you are just hurting yourself.

    But who are you to judge them? Maybe you should just worry about your journey and your workout and wear blinders at the gym, because they are just as entitled to do things their way as you are to do it your way. Wearing the Uggs, not sure why someone would wear Uggs on a treadmill, seems kinda silly to me, but it's really their business.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....
  • seanian
    seanian Posts: 103

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Nobody is *passing judgement* everyone is just saying what irritates them at the gym.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Yes the pic is me.

    I think you misunderstand - I'm saying its better to go slower, it is more effective for fat burning. Spanking your *kitten* off unless you are doing HIIT is counter productive. People doing hell for leather will tend not to achieve anything as 5-10 mins at full pelt isn't hitting your EPOC levels sufficiently to cause enough damage for you body to recover slowly over the next 24 hours. That is why HIIT is generally around 20-25 mins - sufficient time to stress the body.

    I was actually agreeing with the comment mate by the poster, I was actually supporting her.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Nobody is *passing judgement* everyone is just saying what irritates them at the gym.

    "Wasting my time and theirs" sounds an awful lot like a judgment to me. You don't know what kind of program they're on, what their fitness level is, etc. You've made your point; it annoys you. We're just saying that it shouldn't. Your argument is like me saying that because you don't leg press as much as me, for example, that you're wasting both our time by tying up the leg press machine.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Nobody is *passing judgement* everyone is just saying what irritates them at the gym.

    "Wasting my time and theirs" sounds an awful lot like a judgment to me. You don't know what kind of program they're on, what their fitness level is, etc. You've made your point; it annoys you. We're just saying that it shouldn't. Your argument is like me saying that because you don't leg press as much as me, for example, that you're wasting both our time by tying up the leg press machine.

    Who said that?
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Yes the pic is me.

    I think you misunderstand - I'm saying its better to go slower, it is more effective for fat burning. Spanking your *kitten* off unless you are doing HIIT is counter productive. People doing hell for leather will tend not to achieve anything as 5-10 mins at full pelt isn't hitting your EPOC levels sufficiently to cause enough damage for you body to recover slowly over the next 24 hours. That is why HIIT is generally around 20-25 mins - sufficient time to stress the body.

    I was actually agreeing with the comment mate by the poster, I was actually supporting her.

    You're right, I completely misunderstood your post, I apologize! Best of luck to you....
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member

    What annoys me the most are people who think that their way is the be all and end all of working out and if I'm not running pell mell on the treadmill sweating buckets then I'm "not really working out." I am one of those people on the treadmill reading a book walking at a moderate pace for a longer period of time - the pace/length that my personal trainer and my doctor have recommended. I pay the same price they do and can use the equipment in the way that works best for me and my plan. AS long as I'm actually using the equipment and not standing around chatting, of course! Lighten up on those people! Isn't it better that they are doing SOMEthing rather than sitting on the couch eating potato chips?

    The irony is they aren't burning fat - its more of a CV workout than a fat burning one.

    I get into comp shape doing no more than 110-130bpm for 50-60 mins a day, 5-6 days a week playing on my xbox or ps3!

    If that pic is of you, then with your metabolism you probably burn more calories at rest than those people are while they are doing their workout. My point is that you really have no idea what their situation is - if they are recovering from an injury, or had surgery and can't exert at the same level as you, or have some other condition that isn't visible to the casual observer.

    You're right about it being more of a CV workout, but maybe that is what they need so they can advance to the next level. I'm just saying it's just not right to judge a book by its cover in any situation....

    Nobody is *passing judgement* everyone is just saying what irritates them at the gym.

    "Wasting my time and theirs" sounds an awful lot like a judgment to me. You don't know what kind of program they're on, what their fitness level is, etc. You've made your point; it annoys you. We're just saying that it shouldn't. Your argument is like me saying that because you don't leg press as much as me, for example, that you're wasting both our time by tying up the leg press machine.

    Who said that?

    Seanian. That's who I was addressing my comments to.

    I really wish this site would show who said what when you quote. Long quote chains like this get messy and confusing.
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    There is only one person in my gym who irritates me that way. .... slap her pretty little made-up, un-sweaty face.

    Ahhhh...I feel better now.

    Hahaha - sorry, I just got a kick out of this. I think there is one in every gym.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    There is only one person in my gym who irritates me that way. She's pretty tiny and appears to be fit, and always comes in looking like she stepped out of a fitness magazine. That is not what irritates me. What gets on my nerves is that she never really works out while there. She generally just "poses" on the machines (and usually with her legs spread as far apart as possible). She will occasionally do a few reps here and there, but only with the lightest weights possible. And she appears to be constantly looking around to see who is there to look at her. Now and then, she brings her kids, and they play in the corner while she fakes a workout. I've never seen her break a sweat.

    I try not to be b*tchy in general, and I have the utmost respect for anyone who is honestly trying to get into better shape. But this gal just makes my blood boil. It probably has a lot to do with the time she came up to me while I was struggling on the Roman Chair my first month at the gym. She informed me that her daughter works out with the Navy Seals, and SHE says that if you hold weights while stretching on the Roman Chair, it works faster. For cripes sake, it was pretty obvious that at that time, I could barely handle the weight of my own body, let alone any additional weight! I politely thanked her, and said I might try that in the future, but was nowhere near being ready for that at the moment.

    What I *really* wanted to do was slap her pretty little made-up, un-sweaty face.

    Ahhhh...I feel better now.

    Omg lol seriously I just spit out my tea reading this :laugh: I know it's not meant to be funny but I love how you wrote this. :happy:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    You're right, I completely misunderstood your post, I apologize! Best of luck to you....

    Cheers hun, no harm done. Ditto, hope you're well :)