What causes a "crash" while lifting weights?

Worked out pretty hard tonight.
But about half way through started feeling a little nauseated... after another 15 minutes I had to quit, and go lay down in the locker room with my feet up.
My blood pressure dropped like a rock. After about a half an hour I felt well enough to go home. Two hours later I was back to (tired) normal.
What happened? Is this common?
I did not get to eat lunch this afternoon, but ate about 45 minutes before working out. I tested my blood sugar with my brothers glucometer and was in a healthy range. Did I work out too hard or was not eating catching up from earlier in the day?
Maybe I was holding my breath while I was lifting and didn't realize it... hm. Not fun.
Plus I didn't get to do any cardio. =/

Thanks for your advice here.


  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    hrmm...tricky one.
    i've kind of had this experience i think. though i didnt need a lie down, i just pushed through somehow?

    What exactly were you doing?

    I was deadlifting with near maximal weights...doing triples, then doubles...
    i would normally put something like that with me down to CNS reactions - not a doctor, not sure how to properly describe it, lol.
    Which can take 15 minutes to come back...
    nearly blacked out personally...felt like i could not continue for a good while, i called it brain fog...because i felt like i couldnt think enough to carry on.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    I was really shaky, couldn't hold my water bottle with my hands, came close to throwing up. I was doing pretty heavy for me, but surprised how I reacted tonight.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    I had done a bunch other machines, and was doing hamstring curls on a machine when it hit hard, followed by some sets of bench presses, and lat pulldowns. Heavy. After pulldowns I left.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm also experiencing that sometimes not only during workout but even while doing nothing whenever I have hypoglucemic attack (low blood sugar) due to type 2 diabetes. I don't think it has anything to do with not doing any cardio. I only focus myself with weight lifting with virtually zero cardio. Have you checked your blood pressure?
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    I run about 90/60 normally, but have been measured at 90/40 during low blood pressure bouts. It felt like I did at 90/40. I thought hypoglycemia too, but the glucometer measured me at 107, which is healthy.