Getting started again, looking for friends

Hi there! I am just getting started on this again and, unlike before, I am hoping to build a supportive community on here. I am excited to start working out and to focus on healthy eating. I am looking for folks who will help me stay focused and will help me celebrate success. I, of course, hope to do the same for others.

My biggest challenges are a desk job and night time eating.

I hope to lose >60 lbs this year, but my immediate goal is to lose 20 lbs in the next 13 weeks.

Feel free to add me as a friend if any of this resonates with you!

Be well and take care. :happy:


  • ivanaaaaaaaaa
    welcome! first, i have to say that i love your picture, your smile is contagious. :happy:

    i can completely relate to the desk job and night time eating.. i have those two to thank for my entire midsection. :grumble:

    you're at the right place if you have the desire to reach your goals but need a little push. you're going to do great! :wink:
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    hey hey :) I'm semi new around here and just really started talking to people lol. Feel free to add! I'm definitely taking the weight loss in steps just trying to get fit in general but lose definitely like 70+ pounds
  • Chanels_mom
    Chanels_mom Posts: 45 Member
    I can definitely use new encouranging friends and I will be more than glad to encourage others in return.
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    i've got another 60lb to lose too, we can do it! best of luck!!
  • nas333
    nas333 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks everyone! I will be adding you if you haven't added me already! Cheers to ALL of us meeting our goals!
  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    If you think you are ready, you WILL do it!! I will cheer for you :) add me as your friend, check my diary, please feel free to contact me anytime :)
  • jillcast1
    I am new too...need to lose at least 70lbs but my immediate goal is 30......have been dieting forever and had given up for the last several years cause it just seems to make me fatter. I am gonna try again, looking for some supportive friends, I will add you!