Decided To Do A Juice Fast



  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    let me know how the extreme diarrhea and eventual diabetes from sugar intake feel
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    let me know how the extreme diarrhea and eventual diabetes from sugar intake feel

    Wow, that was uncalled for and shows the true extent of your ignorance. If you don't know what you're talking about and don't have anything nice or helpful to say then don't say anything.

    I thought this was supposed to be a community where people can go to support each other, not tear each other down. We're all here because we obviously had some issue with learning how to be healthy, so don't act like you have it all figured out. We all need to find what works for ourselves and support each other along the way.
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    let me know how the extreme diarrhea and eventual diabetes from sugar intake feel

    Wow, that was uncalled for and shows the true extent of your ignorance. If you don't know what you're talking about and don't have anything nice or helpful to say then don't say anything.

    I thought this was supposed to be a community where people can go to support each other, not tear each other down. We're all here because we obviously had some issue with learning how to be healthy, so don't act like you have it all figured out. We all need to find what works for ourselves and support each other along the way.
    hey if they dont have those results i legit want to hear about it to deter my opinion! im learning here too~~
  • This is a fantastic example of how much fat and lean mass you can lose in 1 month.
    No thanks!

    Eat right and sleep well.
    The fat will fall off!

    You take the average man or woman 5'5" and have them working out only 3 times a week in the gym or at home for 20-40 mins and give them both 1600-2k calories daily with proper macros and it will blow away any juice fast you bring to the table.
    Lean mass in my opinion is more precious that the extra few pounds a month lost due to fat and lean mass sacrifice.
    Not worth it!

  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    This is a fantastic example of how much fat and lean mass you can lose in 1 month.
    No thanks!

    Eat right and sleep well.
    The fat will fall off!

    You take the average man or woman 5'5" and have them working out only 3 times a week in the gym or at home for 20-40 mins and give them both 1600-2k calories daily with proper macros and it will blow away any juice fast you bring to the table.
    Lean mass in my opinion is more precious that the extra few pounds a month lost due to fat and lean mass sacrifice.
    Not worth it!

  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    Maybe you should look into the elimination diet. I have recently looked into it due to an illness flaring up and you start with a juice detox for two days and then are only allowed foods that the majority of people aren't allergic to... they are are almost all veggies. From there you move into more fruits and veggies and so on and so on. If you do well with it, you may never go back to poor eating habits, plus you will find out what you are intolerant or allergic to. I think it will also force you into finding recipes that are very full of veggies and fruits.
    I need to work up the courage to do it but I think it can be very beneficial.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
  • Wow! Me too! I am going to start tomorrow, we will see how it goes! My husband is really gung-ho, but I am alittle nervous. I am already a vegetarian, I just don't know how well I will do only drinking juice... We will see I guess. Good luck!

    Oh I was wondering when I add foods to my calorie tracker have you found any "juiced raw" foods on here?
  • I've been making veggie juice since I watched the movie, also, but there's no way I could go on a strictly juice diet and be able to still be nice to my family and friends! ;) I think it's a great way to get some nutrients in from those veggies that I just won't eat, while also replacing some of my less desirable drinking habits (like too much coffee!).
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Good luck and ignore these negative people on here. Most of them are giving harsh opinions and have absolutely nothing to back it up with. Obviously the juice fasts, done properly, have been studied and reviewed by real doctors so you have nothing to worry about. I also saw the movie and have been juicing a few times a week ever since and it definitely helps you to eat healthier overall.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Don't be discouraged by these guys here. I bought a juicer and do 1-3 green juices a day now. Do the fast, then add in lean proteins and whole fruits / vegetables. You will feel a ton better. Your liver will thank you for the detox. When I started I thought I wouldn't have enough energy, but you certainly DO get enough. Lower calories yes, but each is packed full of nutrition. I think I had MORE energy.
    I agree. I think a juice fast is a great way to detox and start back on track with healthy eating. I plan on doing one as soon as I am done breastfeeding. I plan on doing the 14 day one.

    I think people are seeing "juice" and thinking its all fruits? Cause it isn't it is mostly veggies and good ones too. If you do it correctly and with plenty of water it "reboots" (imagine that!) your system so you can clean out the garbage. Then you re-learn how to eat. You choose more fresh veggies and fruits. You eat good proteins and fats. I do not plan on going vegetarian like the guy did in the movie, but I do plan on eating healthier meats and proteins. After watching that my husband and I both decided to go ahead and start eating better...but I really feel the need to detox. And for me this is the way to do it.

    I wish you good luck and keep us posted how it goes!
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Don't be discouraged by these guys here. I bought a juicer and do 1-3 green juices a day now. Do the fast, then add in lean proteins and whole fruits / vegetables. You will feel a ton better. Your liver will thank you for the detox. When I started I thought I wouldn't have enough energy, but you certainly DO get enough. Lower calories yes, but each is packed full of nutrition. I think I had MORE energy.
    I agree. I think a juice fast is a great way to detox and start back on track with healthy eating. I plan on doing one as soon as I am done breastfeeding. I plan on doing the 14 day one.

    I think people are seeing "juice" and thinking its all fruits? Cause it isn't it is mostly veggies and good ones too. If you do it correctly and with plenty of water it "reboots" (imagine that!) your system so you can clean out the garbage. Then you re-learn how to eat. You choose more fresh veggies and fruits. You eat good proteins and fats. I do not plan on going vegetarian like the guy did in the movie, but I do plan on eating healthier meats and proteins. After watching that my husband and I both decided to go ahead and start eating better...but I really feel the need to detox. And for me this is the way to do it.

    I wish you good luck and keep us posted how it goes!

    Thank you....This is the reason why I'm doing it.......I've been thinking and I'm just going to start of with just having juice for breakfast until I can see when I can have some time of work to really get into it.....I got the kit today and will be making a list of fruit and veg that I will need.....Thursdays we have a town market so I will wait till then to go shopping.....I'm really excited about this.........
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I am glad! I am excited to get started too! Like I said I need to wait till my toddler weans, not a good idea to detox whilst breastfeeding lol. But she is almost there.

    I am really rooting for you! :flowerforyou:
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    What's gonna happen when you stop juicing?
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    What's gonna happen when you stop juicing?
    I can't speak for the OP, but I know that what juicing is supposed to do, when done correctly, is to detox your body and retrain you to crave healthy foods. After you are done with the fast you then make better food choices, such as switching to fresh fruits and veggies. You make them the larger portion of every meal. You eat healthy proteins found in nuts and seeds. You eat lean healthy meats, but not as nearly as often.

    The big thing about the juice fast is to detox your body and retrain it to crave fresh veggies and fruits instead of processed foods and sugar.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    What's gonna happen when you stop juicing?
    I can't speak for the OP, but I know that what juicing is supposed to do, when done correctly, is to detox your body and retrain you to crave healthy foods. After you are done with the fast you then make better food choices, such as switching to fresh fruits and veggies. You make them the larger portion of every meal. You eat healthy proteins found in nuts and seeds. You eat lean healthy meats, but not as nearly as often.

    The big thing about the juice fast is to detox your body and retrain it to crave fresh veggies and fruits instead of processed foods and sugar.

    I agree - the point is to clean out your body of things it craves that are not healthy. I just know how difficult it can be because it is like detoxing from drugs, caffeine, alcohol, etc - it can really tax the body physically as well as emotionally. I think when people see something they feel they are incapable of doing, their automatic repsonse is to attack. People get threatened at anything that appears different. I know that even employing a healthy lifestyle in general gets those responses from the everyday people in our own lives. This is why I look for support on here, but rarely advice. Everyone has conflicting advice. I don't believe in eating back exercise calories because for me, I don't get results, but there are other people who swear they don't see the results UNLESS they eat them back. And that is one example.

    Diet and lifestyle choices are SO personal. If it works, great. If it doesn't, then you learn from it.

    I don't take YOUR thoughts of juice fasting as personal to me. Whether you do well on it or not does not affect me in the slighetst. so I can give unbiased suggestions and wish you well. I feel that would be the best way to go on a forum like this. None of us are doctors or nutritionists. And none of us have all the answers, or else we would not be here.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I agree - the point is to clean out your body of things it craves that are not healthy. I just know how difficult it can be because it is like detoxing from drugs, caffeine, alcohol, etc - it can really tax the body physically as well as emotionally. I think when people see something they feel they are incapable of doing, their automatic repsonse is to attack. People get threatened at anything that appears different. I know that even employing a healthy lifestyle in general gets those responses from the everyday people in our own lives. This is why I look for support on here, but rarely advice. Everyone has conflicting advice. I don't believe in eating back exercise calories because for me, I don't get results, but there are other people who swear they don't see the results UNLESS they eat them back. And that is one example.

    Diet and lifestyle choices are SO personal. If it works, great. If it doesn't, then you learn from it.

    I don't take YOUR thoughts of juice fasting as personal to me. Whether you do well on it or not does not affect me in the slighetst. so I can give unbiased suggestions and wish you well. I feel that would be the best way to go on a forum like this. None of us are doctors or nutritionists. And none of us have all the answers, or else we would not be here.
    Well said!
  • GNBC
    GNBC Posts: 9
    Good Luck! I was impressed with the documentary as well and want to incorporate juicing into my eating habits. Let us know how it goes!
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Thanks for all the positive replies....I've decided to ease into the fast...Reason being is that I'm waiting till I can have time of from work to give it my all.....I'm a taxi driver so having a full juice fast would be a problem....I'm having time of early next month....

    I'm going to start with juicing for breakfast....My juicer arrived earlier and will be shopping Wednesday for some yummy fruit and veg....
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Best of luck to you with this.

    I am not a fad diet girl, but a few people I know have been juicing just for breakfast to save time and all have had positive results and increased energy --- and NOT a massive loss in muscle mass.

    It makes me sad all the people on here who are so quick to become critical of your decision. As long as you are making sure you stay within your calorie goals and getting a wide variety of produce I don't know how juicing could be considered bad for you!!

    I personally don't have the willpower to stick to a straight juice fast, but if you think you can do it, more power to you. And 5 days is a reasonable period of time --- not extreme.

    Kudos to you for educating yourself and taking steps toward positive change.