Lost 4 pounds but gained it back? why?

Hey everyone! So I have been trying to get down to my goal weight and its about 20 pounds away, I recently lost 4 pounds, and my diet has stayed the same since I started, But when I got on the scale this morning It showed that I gained the 4 pounds back! I'm still exercising and eating right, what am I doing wrong?


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hey everyone! So I have been trying to get down to my goal weight and its about 20 pounds away, I recently lost 4 pounds, and my diet has stayed the same since I started, But when I got on the scale this morning It showed that I gained the 4 pounds back! I'm still exercising and eating right, what am I doing wrong?

    I went up 4 pounds the other day and the next day I was down 4 again.. Weight does not constantly go down, it may have went up a few pounds for many reasons: retaining water, your body is trying to repair itself, something you ate was more fattening but still healthy, God only knows, etc. I wouldn't worry about it unless it keeps going up. you may find by next week you've lost over 5.

    If you are reaching your plateau and start gaining weight, I'd wait for someone elses comments. I've heard of 'resetting' yourself and taking a bit of rest + taking in more calories before working them off like crazy again. I don't have any experience with this so I'll let someone else take it. Goodluck!
  • shannonmelek
    shannonmelek Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you! I feel better that I'm not in this situation alone! :)
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    You are so not alone. I was exactly where I wanted to be at Dec 24th. Allowed myself some indulgence over the Christmas week and put on 4 1/2 lbs. I thought a few days/couple of weeks would see me lose those, but each day I manage to lose a lb or 2 is followed by a day where I put it back again. Consequently I get somewhat downhearted. I stay within my calorie goal, drink quite a lot of water, tho not 8 glasses, exercise walking every day (walking for 30-45 mins) and a zumba session once a week.
    We are now 4 weeks since Christmas and I feel like the last 3 lb will never go.