No weight lost!

asmith26 Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I have been counting my calories for the past few weeks. I started out with using 1200 calories per day expecting to go over a little every day. I still did not loose weight. I then decided after reading one the postings up to add a few extra hundred calories to my daily amount. I still have not lost any weight! Any ideas on what I should do? I exercise every day and still no luck! I need help!!:sad:


  • I have been counting my calories for the past few weeks. I started out with using 1200 calories per day expecting to go over a little every day. I still did not loose weight. I then decided after reading one the postings up to add a few extra hundred calories to my daily amount. I still have not lost any weight! Any ideas on what I should do? I exercise every day and still no luck! I need help!!:sad:
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    First calm down, sometimes it take time to start to lose.
    But you are gaining muscle at the same time. You WILL see a lose dear, Give it a little more time. :flowerforyou:
  • Your workouts may need to be bumped up a bit. What kind of exercise are you doing? And have you been doing the same exercise program for a long time? Sometimes all that is necessary is to change up your routine a little. Add some free weights, yoga, don't forget cardio!!! Very important!

    I've been on a 1200 calorie diet for 3 weeks now and have rarely gone over. My weight loss to date is 5 pounds. When you enter your exercise in the system it calculates extra calories for you to consume, but I don't buy that! Why would you want to waist all that precious workout effort and then EAT the calories that you just burned?!?!?! The key is move more, eat less, and healthier, of course!

    Good luck to WILL happen...just hang in there!
  • krazykayzy
    krazykayzy Posts: 51 Member
    You might need to shake your system up a little. I cycle my calories meaning that I eat 1400 calories for two days in a row (regardless of how much I exercise) and then on the third day I eat 1800 calories (again regardless of how much I exercise) and I consistently lose weight with this method. You do need to remember that you don't wan to put your body into starvation mode by eating too little, but you also want to exercise, exercise, exercise! I burn about 200-300 calories per day through exercise, which if you average out what I eat/exercise over three days it comes to 1233 net calories per day. The drop and increase in calories every three days might give your body the bump it needs. (Plus the bonus is every three days I can eat something I might not otherwise!)
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I am sure most of us if not all of us have been there at some point...I know I have. Hang in there and it will happen! :happy:

  • I'm on my third week and was so disappointed last week to lose nothing at all. I decided to up my exercise as I dont do that much. Everyone's different but I think if you do a lot of exercise lots of people do say you're turning the fat into muscle and muscle weighs more! Might be true. Here theres a section on measuring saying that can show progress even when weight not going down.

    Dont be disheartened, its not a quick fix but a change in lifestyle. The week you first lose you can celebrate :smile: wahoo :happy:

    look after yourself, theres lots of people here for encouragement :heart:
  • Thank you guys for all the suggestions! I am going to try all of them! I'll keep everyone posted on how it all works out! Thank you again!!:heart:
  • OMG! I have the SAME concerns! I got on the scale and it showed I lost 3 lbs. then I got on again i gained it back. i was told by the trainer that the first week you may gain weight because of the activity making you hungrier. I noticed that although my weight isn't going down, my inches are! I'm trying to stay positive as hard as it may be. Knowing I can fit into my jeans which I havent been able to for 6 months works for me:wink: KEEP BEING PATIENT! YOU CAN DO IT!! :flowerforyou:
  • You usually only gain about 1 lb of muscle a month. Muscle does weigh more than fat but it takes a long time to show up on the scale.
  • beginningexpert
    beginningexpert Posts: 13 Member
    Wow! I’m very happy to see others having the same difficulties. I’m no stranger to exercise, but after a few broken bones and surgery over the past year I’m back at it again and here is the truth. I have reduced my calories to between 1200 and 1600 per day and have been very committed to weight training three days per week and cardio for three days. (During the past week I HAVE bumped my cardio up to five days.) I reserve one day for complete rest! Over the course of the past three weeks I have actually gained two pounds! (WHAT’S UP WITH THAT?:noway: ) I do tend to gain muscle strength and tone very easily but in the past have usually been able to lose the ‘fluff’ layer simultaneously. Not happenin’! Needless to say, as my clothes get tighter and the tears well, I’m feeling a bit disappointed although my insides say keep pluggin’. :sad: I would be very interested in hearing some words of encouragement and maybe a similar experience. I have been watching the postings since I joined at the New Year and you all have been very motivating! Keep up the good work! :smile:
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