

  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    I have increased my miles as well over the last month and my weight has increased! Very frustrating.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    No they were not the same

    originally I did 40 protein 30 carbs and fat
    then I changed it to 40 CARBS 30 protein and fat

    basically I increased carbs and decreased protein
    That's what I get for skim reading...:embarassed:
    Have you considered only eating the higher carbs on days you run? Since higher carbs are recommended for running and higher protein for lifting, varying your macros based on work outs may help. Honestly IMO, if you've given it 2 months, you may want to just go back to your old macros and see how your body reacts to just the increased calories without the higher carbs. Every person is different. Some times the norm isn't what is right for your body.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I have increased my miles as well over the last month and my weight has increased! Very frustrating.
    A change in workout can increase weight due to muscles storing more water. Here is an article that talks about it:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have increased my miles as well over the last month and my weight has increased! Very frustrating.

    indeed it is!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    No they were not the same

    originally I did 40 protein 30 carbs and fat
    then I changed it to 40 CARBS 30 protein and fat

    basically I increased carbs and decreased protein
    That's what I get for skim reading...:embarassed:
    Have you considered only eating the higher carbs on days you run? Since higher carbs are recommended for running and higher protein for lifting, varying your macros based on work outs may help. Honestly IMO, if you've given it 2 months, you may want to just go back to your old macros and see how your body reacts to just the increased calories without the higher carbs. Every person is different. Some times the norm isn't what is right for your body.

    I do that too! I should have worded it differently I can see where it was confusing!
    and YES thank you I may just add extra carbs in the day before my long run, and keep the other days high protein! Great idea!! Its all a process of what works for ME!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I have a friend that participated in triathlons and she told me normally she only consumes 200 grams of carbs a day (mostly from veggies) and only on long training days (4 hrs or longer) would she consume more carbs!
  • Nnekaschild
    Nnekaschild Posts: 26 Member
    I dont think you are eating enough to support your activity at all. 20-25 miles a week and only 1400 cals a day?

    I dont know how much you weigh but your cals seem very low. If you're going to be doing such strenuous activity then your calorie deficit from food needs to be lower.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I dont think you are eating enough to support your activity at all. 20-25 miles a week and only 1400 cals a day?

    I dont know how much you weigh but your cals seem very low. If you're going to be doing such strenuous activity then your calorie deficit from food needs to be lower.

    Thats why I tried increasing from 1200 to 1400 and add it got me 10lbs more! I have tried increasing my calories before and I ALWAYS gain. I am 5"8 and currently 155 (after my 10 lbs gain) I am just going to try to cut back on the carbs, it seems to be the only way I can maintain my wt!
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    I am a low carb runner. I did the same thing training for my first half marathon last summer. Not only did my weightloss suffer, I had waaaaaay less energy on long runs. I'd run out of gas. I keep my carbs below 50 and it works for me. I run 15-25 miles a week.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Oh, and only near 50 on long run days. I just really have to keep the calories up. I eat alot of snacks.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    If i eat 1200 cals of carbs ( low glycimic bread, pasta ,rice, etc) I will gain weight... I am not a believer that a carb is a carb...

    If you want to eat more carbs try to up your veggies and fruit (they are carb too)

    I also do not believe we NEED to eat low glycimic carbs (but they are yummy so i do allow them in once in a while)

    maybe my metabolism is messed up or i have some issues but i will gain weight too if i changed my diet.

    GL! :)
  • littlemsmuffet
    Ok so before you guys go carb crazy on me.....let me explain myself first!

    So I am a runner..... not a professional runner, but I run 4 days a week averaging about 20-25 miles. My diet has always consisted of 1200 calories 40% protein, 30% carbs 30% fat, (for me to lose weight) I have read over and over again that runners do not need to restrict their carbs and since I have been increasing my mileage preparing for half marathon(and I met my wt loss goal) I decided I would add more carbs and just see if I can maintain my weight since I am running and doing strength training 2 days a wk. WELL it didnt work FOR ME. Since November I have gained 10 lbs back....doing the same thing I have always done except I increased my calories from 1200 to 1400 and changed my ratios to 40% carb 30% protein 30% fat!
    (oh yea and just to point out my carbs were not bad carbs, I ate potatoes, brown rice and fruit an occaisonal wheat bread)

    I feel yuck! I thought carbs were supposed to give you energy and make you feel good! :sad:

    Will I ever be able to follow a normal equal carb/protein diet, or should I just give up and keep eating high protein and not worry about the carbs for running? If you are a runner, what does your diet consist of? Are the carbs really that important?

    The EXACT thing happened to me within the last 2-3 weeks. I posted a thread about LOW CARB RUNNERS (I forgot what I called it but check my profile) last week and got some great responses from runners who eat little/no carbs and do just fine. I, personally, would never go back to a higher carb diet. I feel ill, in pain, and I have too many meltdowns. About that 1/2 marathon - I read on RunnersWorld that a lot of pro long-distance runners cut carbs and eat higher fat to train their body to adapt to fat more quickly. Even skinny runners have enough energy to last for miles. If I were you, I would keep the carbs at 30-70 grams (that's what I'm doing anyway and I run 20-35 mi/week) per day and up the fat (within your calories, of course!). You might consider decreasing the protein to ~20% instead of 30%. If you aren't Mr. Universe you really don't need lots of protein and the body is very good at conserving lean tissue, especially if you are strength training! I honestly wouldn't worry about getting enough protein just yet. My principle is to eat bare-minimum protein and see what happens after 3-4 weeks but that's debatable :)
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am a low carb runner. I did the same thing training for my first half marathon last summer. Not only did my weightloss suffer, I had waaaaaay less energy on long runs. I'd run out of gas. I keep my carbs below 50 and it works for me. I run 15-25 miles a week.

    That is soo me!! My runs have actually gotten slower and kind of sluggish since I have been eating more carbs! THANKS!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    If i eat 1200 cals of carbs ( low glycimic bread, pasta ,rice, etc) I will gain weight... I am not a believer that a carb is a carb...

    If you want to eat more carbs try to up your veggies and fruit (they are carb too)

    I also do not believe we NEED to eat low glycimic carbs (but they are yummy so i do allow them in once in a while)

    maybe my metabolism is messed up or i have some issues but i will gain weight too if i changed my diet.

    GL! :)

    That is awesome that I am finding more and more people like that! I thought I was the only low carb crazy out there! Thanks for sharing, it back to low carbing for me!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Ok so before you guys go carb crazy on me.....let me explain myself first!

    So I am a runner..... not a professional runner, but I run 4 days a week averaging about 20-25 miles. My diet has always consisted of 1200 calories 40% protein, 30% carbs 30% fat, (for me to lose weight) I have read over and over again that runners do not need to restrict their carbs and since I have been increasing my mileage preparing for half marathon(and I met my wt loss goal) I decided I would add more carbs and just see if I can maintain my weight since I am running and doing strength training 2 days a wk. WELL it didnt work FOR ME. Since November I have gained 10 lbs back....doing the same thing I have always done except I increased my calories from 1200 to 1400 and changed my ratios to 40% carb 30% protein 30% fat!
    (oh yea and just to point out my carbs were not bad carbs, I ate potatoes, brown rice and fruit an occaisonal wheat bread)

    I feel yuck! I thought carbs were supposed to give you energy and make you feel good! :sad:

    Will I ever be able to follow a normal equal carb/protein diet, or should I just give up and keep eating high protein and not worry about the carbs for running? If you are a runner, what does your diet consist of? Are the carbs really that important?

    The EXACT thing happened to me within the last 2-3 weeks. I posted a thread about LOW CARB RUNNERS (I forgot what I called it but check my profile) last week and got some great responses from runners who eat little/no carbs and do just fine. I, personally, would never go back to a higher carb diet. I feel ill, in pain, and I have too many meltdowns. About that 1/2 marathon - I read on RunnersWorld that a lot of pro long-distance runners cut carbs and eat higher fat to train their body to adapt to fat more quickly. Even skinny runners have enough energy to last for miles. If I were you, I would keep the carbs at 30-70 grams (that's what I'm doing anyway and I run 20-35 mi/week) per day and up the fat (within your calories, of course!). You might consider decreasing the protein to ~20% instead of 30%. If you aren't Mr. Universe you really don't need lots of protein and the body is very good at conserving lean tissue, especially if you are strength training! I honestly wouldn't worry about getting enough protein just yet. My principle is to eat bare-minimum protein and see what happens after 3-4 weeks but that's debatable :)

    Yay! I was wondering if I was just crazy!! I am gonna go find your post and read it! Thanks!!