Would it surprise you to know....?

Ok so these may not be news to everyone but……….

1. Just because you read it in a book/magazine/newspaper/website/blog it doesn’t mean it’s true!
2. Just because you disagree with what someone else read in a book/magazine/newspaper/website/blog it doesn’t mean it’s NOT true!
3. Someone who puts Dr in front of their name isn’t necessarily an expert!
4. Someone who puts Dr in front of their name and gives advice that someone else with Dr in front of their name disagrees with isn’t necessarily a quack!
5. For every 10 people on here who believe in a particular way of doing things there will be 10 who believe in the opposite and 80 who are somewhere in the middle!
6. Weighing yourself once a day/week/month/year is always right if it works for you!
7. Starvation mode is not going to kick in on Tuesday because you ate too few calories on Monday!
8. 1lb of fat weighs the same as 1lb of water and 1lb of muscle
9. If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it or you’ll end up with two bits left over instead of the usual one!!!

10. Every one of us is an individual with our own goals and ways of getting there.

So please…..

Give support and encouragement freely and politely

Express your opinion as just that, not as 100% cast iron fact

Remember that if there was a simple one-size fits all solution to this, there would be no need for MFP and we’d all be as fit and healthy as we feel we need to be!