Has anyone heard of Sweet to Svelt?

My grandmother got an ad in the mail the other day about a product from Europe called Sweet to svelt. Apparently it makes you lose weight in some unnatural amount like averaging 20 pounds a month. The won't even sell it to you if you have less than 50 pounds to lose. The offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy and want your story if you do lose and are offering to pay $250 for the rights to your before and after photo and brief blurb about how it helped you lose the weight. I was just wondering if anyone has heard about it. My grandma wants to order it because she thinks that with the money back guarantee she won't be at a loss if it does not work. My issue is that no where on the ad does it state what these wonder ingredients are so we don't know if anything will interact with her normal little old lady meds that she has to take everyday.