Work out Plan && Playlist Suggestions PLEASE!!!

Hi all - I'm starting my second month of this lifestyle change, and always looking for new motivation for pushing it harder in the gym! I've found that music really does it for me! I'll catch myself on the elliptical or the track and wanting to stop, but tell myself I really want to finish this song, and then another song starts so I keep going. I feel about the last 4 weeks I've been through all my music a million times over. - So now I'm just putting this out there to anyone who has any awesome exercise playlists out there. I pretty much listen to any and every kind of music there is out there, so all suggestions welcome!

I feel like i've been pushing myself harder and harder each day in the gym, and I'm on the long road to trying to lose well over 100 lbs. I have mini goals of at least 10lbs/month at first - so I have found each week at the gym I am able to do a little more and I have tons of little victories already. Now that I'm starting my 2nd month I'm also looking for little ways to build up my work outs. This is my regular weekly workout schedule as of now I go 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes during my lunch break at work. I carpool to work so that's the best time for me, but if i do drive to work alone I go at lunch and then go after work as well for at least another hour or two.

Here is my current workout plan::

Monday && Friday::
quarter mile walk to and from the gym - half mile total
4 laps fast paced walking around track (1/10 of a mile each lap)
3 laps running/jogging around track

Strength Machines:
Chest Press - 2 reps of 15 at 30#
Fly -2 reps of 15 at 30#
Bicep Curl - 2 reps of 15 at 30#
Pull down - 2 reps of 15 at 50#
Deltoid - 2 reps of 15 at 30#
Shoulder Press - 2 reps of 15 at 30#

If I have time I'll finish it up on the elliptical machine

Tuesday && Thursday::
quarter mile walk to and from the gym - half mile total ((I go during my lunch break at work))
4 laps fast paced walking around track (1/10 of a mile each lap)
3 laps running/jogging around track

Squats - 2 reps of 15 with 5# medicine ball
Lunges - 2 reps of 15 with 5# medicine ball
Crunches on Exercise Ball - 3 reps of 20
Planks on Bosu Ball - 4 reps -10seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds

If I have time I'll finish it up on the elliptical machine

quarter mile walk to and from the gym - half mile total ((I go during my lunch break at work))
4 laps fast paced walking around track (1/10 of a mile each lap)
3 laps running/jogging around track
15 minutes Elliptical trainer
10 minutes rowing machine

If I have time I'll finish it up on the elliptical machine

I have been doing this schedule for around 4 weeks. I think I'm ready to step a little - so any little tweak suggestions I'm open to at least try.

Thanks! - also always looking for motivational people to befriend on here so shoot me note sometime!!
