Bloody water

Ok its essential, its important, we all need it, especially us dieters. BUT I hate it! its like poison running through my veins (quote). I try so hard to drink 2lts a day, but its a real struggle.
Any suggestions?????? There has to be a better way.:cry:



  • Oh , First off I want to say how greatful that this post has nothing to do with blood in water haha.

    I have the same struggles, but i try to add lemons to my water, frozen cranberries, or even those crystal light packages.. although there are some packages that just have natural ingredients you can add - which are way better. Nestea ones are good too.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I use NUNN Electrolyte tabs in my water, I split them in half and drink 32 oz, before I'm done, I refill to get a little more out of them. Another idea is an emulsion ball, you can put mint, citrus fruit, frozen grapes in it and let them seep into the water to flavor it as well. I have to drink water at room temp or I really hate it.