Has this happened to you

Hi Guys,

I have been MIA for the past few weeks. I was sick then I got depressed with work and myself. I checked in today and I gained two lbs. I have been watching what I eat but I know I have eaten way more then I should also not drinking enough water.However I still managed to gain 2 lbs lose a few inches around my body and not exercised at all, Is this normal or am I a freak of nature.Any advice please. Perhaps my metabolism is fast now??????
I am ready to start again.


  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I have been MIA for the past few weeks. I was sick then I got depressed with work and myself. I checked in today and I gained two lbs. I have been watching what I eat but I know I have eaten way more then I should also not drinking enough water.However I still managed to gain 2 lbs lose a few inches around my body and not exercised at all, Is this normal or am I a freak of nature.Any advice please. Perhaps my metabolism is fast now??????
    I am ready to start again.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Ummm... yeah.... Between January and the end of February, I dropped the ball totally! I still stepped on the scale periodically, but didn't watch what I ate and didn't exercise a lick. Until the last two weeks, I didn't gain a thing. In the last two weeks of my hiatus, I gained 5 lbs (guess all that bad stuff caught up to me). I needed that 5 lb gain to shock me back into reality, because in the past 4 weeks, I've lost the 5 lbs I gained, plus a little bit more. I'm still not on my exercise routine, but am watching what I eat for the most part.

    It's hard to get back on track when you fall off... Gettin' there though.
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    don't wanna spoil your enthusiasm but the inches you lost are probably because you quit excercise so the muscle you previously had on your hips (or wherever you lost the inches) have "shrank" back which leads to a bit of a loss in inches there... i have noticed this happen to me in the past, if i quit moving for a few days i actually become a smaller size... however, once you are back at it, the muscles will re-gain their inches... you need to lose the fat and replace it with muscles which take less space in the body, then the inches are really LOST