CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)?

has anyone try CLA ?....does it help or is it just another supplement that does nothing. Would love to have some feed back. thanks.


  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I have heard a lot of good things about it. I'll let you know...I have a bottle coming today.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    I believe it has helped me in my weight loss efforts. Granted, it took a while to start seeing results (I'd say about a good month or two) but I do take it consistently and have been for about a year now. I'd say that I've "firmed" up a lot - the best way I can describe it is it seems like the fat deposits in my stomach, thighs and butt have all shrunk. My skin just feels "thinner" than before - my hubby has also commented on this so that's why I'd describe it that way. Now while I don't believe it's contributed to any significant weight loss for me, it HAS DEFINITELY helped me to shed inches (and pants sizes)...I say try it to see if it works for you but do give it some time.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I believe it has helped me in my weight loss efforts. Granted, it took a while to start seeing results (I'd say about a good month or two) but I do take it consistently and have been for about a year now. I'd say that I've "firmed" up a lot - the best way I can describe it is it seems like the fat deposits in my stomach, thighs and butt have all shrunk. My skin just feels "thinner" than before - my hubby has also commented on this so that's why I'd describe it that way. Now while I don't believe it's contributed to any significant weight loss for me, it HAS DEFINITELY helped me to shed inches (and pants sizes)...I say try it to see if it works for you but do give it some time.

    Thanks!! How much do you take a day? The kind I'm starting with is 1350 mg and says to take twice a day. I know it's not a magic pill by any stretch and I'll continue on with my eating well and exercising hard but I'm excited to see if it helps in addition to firm me up a little faster.
  • gives some good information about Tonalin CLA. I just bought a bottle from, I'll let you know in about a month what I think if you like.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96

    Thanks!! How much do you take a day? The kind I'm starting with is 1350 mg and says to take twice a day. I know it's not a magic pill by any stretch and I'll continue on with my eating well and exercising hard but I'm excited to see if it helps in addition to firm me up a little faster.

    Well, I started taking that much then read on a few forums that I should be taking more than the recommended dosage. So, I take 5 every morning (they're 1000 mg, I believe). I don't have any other health issues and do not take any other meds so as with everything, it's probably best to check it out w/ a doctor just to make sure it won't conflict with something (if you're taking any other meds). Now, while I've been exercising fairly consistently and keeping my calories under 2000, I've seen my waist go from a 42 to a 32 in that time.
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    I have been taking it for about 2 1/2 months. I haven't really been able to tell if it does what you are wanting it to, but I take it anyhow. There really isn't proof it does or does not do anything. I do not really see a reason to continue it so I plan to stop after this last bottle. I used to take ab cuts which is sorta more expensive. I don't know, I just think it is probably nothing great.