Too those of you who like menu consistency, share!



  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in the group that varies dinner, and also my weekends vary (but stay consistent to each other), but breakfast and lunch during the week varies very little for about a month at a time.


    Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Crunch with 2% milk, 1 cup of each This keeps me full and satisfied until lunch time
    Lunch: 1/2 cup homemade bean salad and 2 homemade spicy meatballs
    Lunch/snack: Lately I'll have a homemade blueberry muffin either with lunch or mid-afternoon. Sometimes I'll eat a cereal bar instead, or skip it altogether

    (Late morning) Breakfast: Two whole eggs with a slice of American cheese (no salt) 2-3 slices of turkey bacon, and a buttermilk biscuit with jelly and margarine
    Lunch: Usually a baked potato or sandwich

    Next up for lunch, I think I'm going to make baked teriyaki chicken and steamed broccoli that I can heat up. We'll see, though. I'm digging the beans.
  • Damnesia
    My breakfast/morning snack/lunch are the same most weekdays.
    Breakfast: 2 eggs and 2 bacon medallions (sometimes an omelette with chicken/ham).
    Snack: Carrot sticks or an apple
    Lunch: Salad of tuna, sweetcorn, spinach, cherry tomato & cucumber

    At weekends I usually have porridge for breakfast/lunch (I wake up a lot later).
  • CitrusLump
    I eat the same meals every day too! Mostly because they are the foods I know are 'safe' foods, ie I know they are healthy and low carb and no junk and will make me lose weight. And also because as a student I have a budget of about £12 a week for food and this all comes in at pretty much bang on!

    Breakfast: 30g of Branflakes
    Low fat fruit yoghurt
    Handful of raisins

    Lunch: Banana

    Tea: Tin of soup (various flavours)
    2 Ryvita crispbreads with low fat spread or reduced fat pesto

    Snack: (if needed) Crrot sticks and hummus.

    Drinks: Green tea, black tea, rooibos tea, white tea, fruit tea, camomile tea, water.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I just read that people who do what you are doing lose weight easier than those who vary their diet.

    Oh how I wish that was true - I eat pretty much the same things day in & day out (<1200) ............. weightloss is veeeeeery slow.
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    Pretty much eat the same during the week.
    Greek yogurt & blueberries for breakfast.
    Chicken & hot sauce with cheese in a wrap for lunch with some fruit.

    Dinner I go either chicken breast & yam or veggies.
    Or ground turkey in a wrap.

    Before bed either a bowl of kashi go-lean & a protein shake or more Greek yogurt mixed with whey.

    Makes it easy to shop, cook in mass quantities, adjust cals, & input into myfitnesspal.