LOVING my oh-so-sore muscles after 30 day SHRED!



  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Im out of the loop.. what is the 30 day shred? and can I do this at home? VERY interested
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    What is the 30 day shred??

    It's a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels.

    I'm about halfway through level 2. I haven't been counting days though, and I know I did level 1 for more than 10 days. I just do each level until I feel comfortable with it, then move on to the next. I only do it Mon-Thurs after work and rest on weekends.

    The pain does get better. I was just like the rest of you after days 1-3, but after that, the pain just disappeared. I can also tell that my endurance has gone up. I plan on doing ripped in 30 next, then maybe eventually I'll try P90x.
  • melbaby925
    After day 3 of level 1, I think all my muscles shorted out and went numb. I was so very sore after the first few days and then...no major pain! I'm getting ready to start level 2, so I'm sure it's going to start all over again in a different way.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    30DS is awesome. I just started Ripped in 30 and I think I like it even more. HOWEVER, although you ladies have some serious enthusiam which is infectious, I really do NOT think you should be doing this workout 30 days without any days off. Your body truly does need at least one day of rest a week. You can do some yoga, take a walk, but just take it easy that day. Remember, the body REQUIRES down time to recuperate and rebuild.

    I don't think Jillian in the 30DS video actually tells you to take 1 or 2 days off - then she doesn't expressly say to take NO days off, either. But in the Ripped in 30 DVD - which is basically the same set up, with some new exercises and improvements to my thinking - she does expressly say the workout is 5-6 days a week and to take at least one day off.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Im out of the loop.. what is the 30 day shred? and can I do this at home? VERY interested

    Jillian Michaels DVD - You can pick it up at Walmart for $10 or from Amazon for the same, I believe. You can to to her website to take a peek at her DVDs...http://jillianmichaels.shop.sportstoday.com/Dept.aspx?cp=14308_14361. The great thing about 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 is that the workouts kick your butt, burn calories and are < 30 minutes! I burned close to 300 calories this morning doing Ripped in 30 week 1.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    I do love that sore feeling after a good workout. Means you've worked the muscles good and hard that haven't been worked for a while or have just been worked in a good way. Just watch out if your weight is a little up because those muscles will need water to help rebuild after the 'abuse' you put them through. Hope you took pictures and measurements so you can share the results when you're done :)

    This happened to me the first week on level 1. Before I started, I was 154. Two days into the program, I went up to 155-156 for that entire level 1 workout except on day 10 level when my weight finally dropped to 153. I lost 2 inches also. Now that I am on day 3 level 2 today, I am assuming I will be hovering around the 153-154 mark for several days before seeing a drop because level 2 has surely brought on some soreness in different areas from level 1 (particularly in my rib cage area....is this considered ab soreness?).
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    I just purchased it on Amazon and am totally exicted to start. Do I need weights? I dont have any at the moment.
  • rebecca0101
    Ok someone help me! Please! I am on level 1 about day 10 and I am no longer sore after the workouts but can feel the workout during it. When do I need to move up to leave 2? And I have only lost about 6 pounds and no inches so far. Am I doing something wrong?
  • rebecca0101
    I just purchased it on Amazon and am totally exicted to start. Do I need weights? I dont have any at the moment.

    Yes, you will need weights. I use two pounds and some days I use three pounds.
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    I'm on D7L1. The first three days were tough. Day 1 I was very tired and had to put my five pound weights down halfway through some of the exercises. My calves in particular were really sore from the cardio exercises. But after a couple days it got significantly easier, and I can now do the entire workout right along with them, no problem. So stick with it, it gets easier fast!

    Looking forward to wrapping up level one and moving onto level two. Also, if you get frustrated with Jillian, it helps to aim your punches at her face. ;)

    5 pounds???? Sheesh, I'm whining to Jillian about chest fly's with only a one pound weight!
    ok, ok, so truthfully I couldn't FIND my 1 pound weights, and I'm substituting 15 oz cans of pumpkin *grins*
    Points for creativity, right???
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    I just purchased it on Amazon and am totally exicted to start. Do I need weights? I dont have any at the moment.

    Read my last comment regarding weights, LOL
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Oh yeah! Thigh were killing me the day after I did the Shred! You know you did some good when you have to hold onto the vanity to ease yourself down to the toilet! LOL! :laugh: Keep up the good work! It only gets better! I'm on day 4 of level 2! Awesome!
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I just started 30DS today. Obviously not feeling any severe soreness right now, but I am certain that I will tomorrow. Also, going upstairs to shower after was fun. I thought my legs were going to rebel on me. lol
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    So..even tough I've only completed TWO DAYS of the 30 day Shred..my muscles are DEFINITELY feeling the burn. :) I've got muscles yelling at me today that I never knew EXISTED.. :D

    If I find myself cringing in pain (especially when standing up from my chair) I QUICKLY put a smile on my face because although painful, it means i've DONE something to change my body.

    No pain, no gain, RIGHT!? :D

    Ok, I must be doing something wrong, cause I'm not feeling it :( My second day in it! All i feel is my back and shoulders from push ups, nothing else! of course I have no tummy muscles to begin with (2 c-sections). My body is numb....

    I started it last week and I wasn't sore either. I did M/W/F, not every day but I thought I would be sore on Tuesday a little and was not. I still feel like it's a good workout and feel like I reach my limit but I guess it depends on if your body has done those movements or not. I had been doing jumping jacks and some squats and lunges in a kick boxing class for months and also at home sometimes. I am a massage therapist so my arms and shoulders are pretty strong, too. The push ups are probably the hardest, I felt a tinge in my back muscles but everything else is fine for me.
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    Day 1 of Level 1 was brutal for me as well, but I haven't given up. I made it to Day 3 and then missed a couple of weeks, but I'm back on track and found that during Day 4, I had lots more energy to keep up with Anita, at least. lol My plan is to alternate days, so I probably won't complete Day 30 until sometime in March. On the other days, I ususally do Leslie Sansone's 3-Mile Walk on DVD if I can't get outside. Good news is that I am already feeling and seeing results!
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 132 Member
    this is day 20 (10th for the level) level 2 for me and I am dreading starting level 3 tomorrow!!!!!!

    I actually like level 3 more than level 2. Don't get me wrong, it definitely gets harder, but I felt like some of the exercises in level 2 were just too advanced for me to get good at. After just finishing day 4 of level 3 I'm already getting good at some of the moves. Just stick with it and work through the soreness!! I've lost about 6 pounds so far and feeling great. :)
  • Strobins05
    30DS is awesome. I just started Ripped in 30 and I think I like it even more. HOWEVER, although you ladies have some serious enthusiam which is infectious, I really do NOT think you should be doing this workout 30 days without any days off. Your body truly does need at least one day of rest a week. You can do some yoga, take a walk, but just take it easy that day. Remember, the body REQUIRES down time to recuperate and rebuild.

    I don't think Jillian in the 30DS video actually tells you to take 1 or 2 days off - then she doesn't expressly say to take NO days off, either. But in the Ripped in 30 DVD - which is basically the same set up, with some new exercises and improvements to my thinking - she does expressly say the workout is 5-6 days a week and to take at least one day off.

    Very true, I inspire to do it with rest days included, LOL.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I'm not knocking 30DS - without a doubt its a good workout. I own it and do it when I'm short on time.

    My hesitation is doing it 30 days without taking breaks. Most trainers recommend at least one day of rest per week to give your body rest and give your body a chance to repair itself ESPECIALLY when you are doing the SAME exercise day after day.

    So those of you that are REALLY sore... there is no shame in taking a rest day or even just taking a day off from 30DS and doing something else. KWIM?

    Good luck to all!
  • Fit4Me2012
    I started 30 DS on Monday and on that day, I was recovering from soreness from a reformer pilates class I took on Saturday. I did Day 2 last night (tuesday) and today, I don't really feel any muscle soreness but more joint soreness in my knees (arthiritis in both from having 3 ACL repairs in my high school days). I have done 30 DS in the past and never made it past 5 days because of the joint pain but this time, I am going to force myself to push through it and if I have to, just not go as deep into the squats/lunges and hopefully still see some results in my legs...I need to build up some quad and hamstring strength which due to my knees that sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies, I have none of!!
  • Ladeda1
    Ladeda1 Posts: 68 Member
    I just completed Day 1, Level 1. I'm dreading how sore I will be (I never, ever have worked out), but am hopeful that my results will be good. For those of you that have seen such great results, have you combined it with other exercises or just done calorie counting and the shred?