Weight Loss Week 5

Hello all,
My name is Sara. I am currently on a mission to lose 100 pounds this year and I am recording a diary of my successes and failures on my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLF610C7EAFAB922BF I would love it if you all would watch my videos in the Weight Loss Wednesday playlist and friend me on here. We can never have too much support and I am here for all of you as well. Good luck on your goals whatever they may be. I hope to see you all soon.

:D Sara


  • Hi Sara, I will send a friend request. I want to lose 112lb by the end of May, but am a bit disappointed that after 4 weeks of going at it the right way the before and now photos don't really show any change.

    I feel better and maybe a bit more toned but need that visual boost. I know it went on over 30 years so it's not going to come off after 4 weeks so I guess I should get on with it. I have been going to the gym nearly every day, working with a personal trainer once a week, changed my nutrition to cope with the extra exercise and the scales also don't seem to be going down as quickly as I would like. I am going to ask my PT to weigh me tonight, so hopefully I can post more than the 9lb I currently have lost......

    Anyway, perhaps we could spur each other on..... nice to meet you!