Compression wear - General Disucussion! :)

Those who use compression wear - I notice my HR is only slightly lower, but my breathing is significantly lighter and I sweat just about the same when wearing them. The perceived effort seems less. Fluke or expected?

The science kind of makes sense in my head but would expect my HR to be lower, or rather much lower, then again, a few BPM I guess can be quite significant (I'm talking about 3-5 as an average less than without)

I use the SKINS A200 series. I do like them, and even if they don't affect my CV system positively or negatively, I definitely think they offer muscle and joint stability and comfort and I am definitely less sore. In addition, I fins that it allows me to run with slight niggles that I would normally tape... I guess that physiologically makes sense to me! :)

What are your experiences? Anyone have more detailed science than is advertised with their products? I have quite a scientific brain and sometimes the layman's terms can be more confusing and not satisfying enough for my insatiable curiosity!



  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I bought a pair of CW-X Men's Perform X Tight Running Pants and have run with them a few times. Unfortunately, I'm just coming off a three week recovery from an Achilles injury (not tendinitis, though!) so it's too early to tell if they're helpful in terms of CV. I don't have "stuff that jiggles", though, so I don't know if they help for that.

    The science on them is mixed, as best I can tell, even though tests are done in labs. My reason for spending the $$ on them is that, even though there's disagreement over whether they help with CV, "many folks" agree that they're beneficial for people recovering from injury (c'est moi).

    I'll probably run with them for at least another few weeks because I won't consider my Achilles cleared 'til then.

    I'll try to remember to post my impressions here.

    BTW, did you check Runner's World on this? I think they did an article recently.

    [time passes]

    It wasn't RW, it was here:

    Tiny URL -

    If you've got other links, could you post them? I think it would be interesting to see what research has been done.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    When I wrote niggles, I meant things that bother me when I run, slight tightness/pain etc.

    Interesting to know you're just wearing them for injury, I've been wearing them at every practicable opportunity! And wearing hosiery with compression factor which really helps make your legs feel fresh and invigorated and not heavy. Thinking of investing in some recovery wear.

    Anyway, good to know other people out there are using it and have an opinion on it! :)
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    i have a pair of tights and compression calf sleeves and I love them. I do feel that I get a benefit from them.