New here! Hoping to finally stick to something...

Hi! I'm Stephanie, I'm 29, hoping to lose 20 lbs, and plan to do that using MFP and Fitbit, both of which I am loving after 2 weeks of using both! I'm a busy girl, commuting about 2.5 hours a day total, and trying to find time to exercise isn't easy. I'm finding that packaging and logging food the night before really helps and lets me budget well. My problem is the exercising, which is TOUGH for me. I also have a serious sweet tooth that's always trying to take me down. I read that a good amount of people on here have kicked their sugar craving entirely, which is awesome! However, I don't think I could ever say goodbye to chocolate or ice cream...

Just wanted to say hello! :-)


  • welcome and hello :) i hear you on the sweet tooth!!! i could never give up sugar entirely but have been trying to limit myself (i cant drink diet or eat aspertane, yuck!!) :)
  • you TOTALLY sound like my twin!! i'm 27, have a MAJOR sweet tooth and despise exercising...BUT, i'm trying to lose 20 pounds by logging my foods, getting my butt in gear, and staying positive!! GOOD LUCK, WE CAN DO THIS!
  • I ordered a FitBit recently and can't wait to try it. I love my heart rate monitors and Sports Tracker Pro on my phone.

    Good Luck!
  • amwill1
    amwill1 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome aboard! This site really is a great tool for weight loss. I love seeing what I ate and how much fat and calories it adds up to. It keeps me in check and I have been able to resist over-eating so that I don't wast unneccesary calories. Good luck in your venture. We are all here for support! :)
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585

    Here is some useful site:

    ...and this is my site where I share healthy recipes...

    My goal is to lose another 20 lbs and I am the same age as you :P I already lost eating right and working out 25lbs.
    If you feel like feel free to add me:)
  • Fiona197208
    Fiona197208 Posts: 1 Member
    Snap, I also have a terrible sweet tooth, you can still have your treats but in moderation, EA sports Active 2 if you have Ninteno or Wi, I thoroughly recommend it, anyway best of luck and you'll get there.