30 Day Shred good enough alone?



  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I am in my 50's and wondered if this would be ok for me to do with not-so-great knees. Also, do you do it every day for 30 days or every other day?
  • MystiqueASAP
    It depends on if you are doing 30DS for a straight 30 days. JM website recommends 2 days of 30DS, 1 day of Cardio, 1 day of Rest, 2 days of 30DS, and 1 day of rest each week. It depends on what works for you. Some people do 30DS for a straight 30 days without any additional exercise; some add in additional cardio and/or strength. Listen to your body.

    By the way, 30DS does not provide adequate stretching afterwards; therefore, you may want to incorporate your own stretching or yoga program. I believe that is why so many people are extremely sore afterwards. Hope this helps.
  • MarilynGrube
    MarilynGrube Posts: 75 Member
    I'm on a mission!! lol So I have been doing the 30DS and walking on my treadmill for 40 mins as well. Maybe I shouldn't do this but in my mind, if I workout enough I can eat a bit more in the day. lol

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  • WolffRN
    I take my dog on a 30-60 minute walk every morning then do the 30DS. I was only walking everyday and wanted to tone and loose more weight! This is only day 4 of the shred, but I am already seeing a difference in myself. Good luck!!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think it's a great workout, but not enough cardio alone. There is only 6 minutes of cardio a day. I would try to supplement it with whatever cardio you can do.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member

    Can someone please tell me if I should be doing 30 day shred even though I have 2 stone to lose? should I stick to cardio first and then do it when I lose a bit more weigh? Will my fat turn to muscle?
    I am also doing a 3 mile walk every day?

    thanks for your help

    I think you'll be safe. Jillian says she "has 400# people doing jumping jacks, you can too!" And good news...Fat is fat. Muscle is muscle. One can't turn into the other! Good luck to you!
  • micmunk07
    micmunk07 Posts: 2 Member
    I do like it. I've done it for 2 weeks now and I can see a change. My stomach is flatte and my thighs are smaller. It is only a 20 min. workout so it is easy to fit in the time. I also do a 30 minutes on my treadmill. I've lost 10lb so far. Now I'm really watching what I eat.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    i keep seeing things about this 30 day shred................i must have missed the original post. Can someone let me know what this is or where i can get the info from? Thanks!!

    $10 at Walmart or drug stores, many people buy it off of Amazon. I burned my copy from the library = FREE, lol! That being said, I don't advocate it - too many flaws to list. It's worth $10 - not a penny more.
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    I am in my 50's and wondered if this would be ok for me to do with not-so-great knees. Also, do you do it every day for 30 days or every other day?

    My knees are shot an I'm only 23, just take it easy on squats and lunges. Rather then using perfect form and doing squats like they do on the video just go as far as your knees will let you. its best to do the dvd 5-6 days a week with at least 1 day a week off.
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183

    Can someone please tell me if I should be doing 30 day shred even though I have 2 stone to lose? should I stick to cardio first and then do it when I lose a bit more weigh? Will my fat turn to muscle?
    I am also doing a 3 mile walk every day?

    thanks for your help

    Fat won't turn to muscle, but building muscle will help you burn more fat. You can do 30DS at any weight or activity level. You can modify the intensity, weights used, speed or depth of the reps, etc, to your own fitness level. If you want a simple to follow program that isn't super time consuming, I recommend this. I am on day 10 of 30 and already feeling better and stronger, as well as a bit slimmer from the muscle building.
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    i keep seeing things about this 30 day shred................i must have missed the original post. Can someone let me know what this is or where i can get the info from? Thanks!!

    $10 at Walmart or drug stores, many people buy it off of Amazon. I burned my copy from the library = FREE, lol! That being said, I don't advocate it - too many flaws to list. It's worth $10 - not a penny more.

    Amazon video has it for $4.99 or $1.99 per level (3 levels). You have to watch it streaming online, but it might work for some, especially travelers, etc.
  • kcphilly
    I am in my 50's and wondered if this would be ok for me to do with not-so-great knees. Also, do you do it every day for 30 days or every other day?

    I don't have good knees either and was ok doing the video. I don't go as deep in the lunges as she does, but she says to modify if you have to. My left knee is pretty bad so I use a brace on that, for all exercise not just her videos. Just make sure you pay extra attention to form that your knees aren't going over your toes. Not good for anyone but especially if you have problems to begin with.

    I didn't do the video everyday, and I have another one of hers that I would alternate on.

    I definitely suggest taking before and after pics to everyone. I didn't really lose weight from it, and didn't feel that much smaller, but boy when I looked at my after pics I saw a huge difference in my stomach, back fat disappeared, and my arms looked much more toned.

    I have been slacking in exercise lately and was just about it get back on the JM wagon.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I am on day 16 (D6L2) of the Shred and I also do 45 mins of Zumba a day too. So far I have lost 10lbs! The first 3 days of the shred I was almost too sore to do anything else but I love Zumba so I do it whenever I can. The cardio and squats in the shred took a toll on my knees so now instead of doing all the cardio, I do 45 mins of Zumba then go right into the Shred and just replace the jumping jacks and jump rope with high knee kicks, which, surprisingly, do not hurt my knees at all.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    In response to WATEVA:

    It's pretty cheap, so you could try it and see. I'm 46 and have problems with my knees, and I use a rebounder with the jumping jacks and impact exercises...works great. If squats bother your knees though, it might be a struggle as she does a TON of squats. They don't seem to bother me at all. It's the jumping that gets me.

    Something else very interesting that I've been experimenting with. Someone mentioned barefoot running helping with their knee issues. I thought that sounded crazy because I have been advised to use arch supports and have tried every tennis shoe under the sun to help with my knee issues. The past 3 days I've been doing the 30ds barefoot and I've noticed a huge difference in my knees. Still not sure I'm believing this yet, but I'm going to keep doing it barefoot for a while as it really seems to help.
  • monkeynutser
    monkeynutser Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies, I'm feeling kinda silly now asking that question about fat turning into muscle lol!!
    I'm new to this game and really have a lot to learn.

    Thanks again =)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    No way. I use it as a light workout post my normal routine. I tend to burn about 1200-1600kCal in the gym then do Jillian on top as a breather/stretch off/cool down.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    I wouldn't just do 30 Day Shred. Supplement in some more cardio and strength training! =D Or some Zumba, or yoga! Build the BEST body that you can! ^_^
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    I'v done the 30-Day Shred and Ripped in 30: they are FANTASTIC alone, but if you really want some great results, I'd advise you to go for at least a 30-minute walk every day immediately after the workout. Increase your pace as time goes on, but just get out there and walk. It's a simple addition with excellent results! It'll help burn off fat faster. Good luck!

    This is exactly what I do! I'm noticing results and I'm not spending an excessive amount of time on working out! Love it! :happy:
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Do you think 30 day shred is a good enough work out to get good results in the 30 days or should I do something else with it as well? I want the best results i can get in 30 days!!!
    thanks!!!! :)

    Yes, but... Only if balanced with the appropriate diet and recovery time. Diet, excersize, and recovery are equally important.
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    The first time I did 30DS I did it with some walking later in the day. I was around 225lbs and I lost loads of inches. This time round (fourth time of doing 30DS since last May) I am doing it 6 days a week and I am also doing C25K m/w/f - I find it isn't enough on the cardio and I need more than it has. That said, I wouldn't do the run (or even a walk!) straight after the 30DS - I have my run and then a 15 minute break then do the 30DS - I have to have a shower straight after the DVD!

    It's all about finding what works for you, not what works for other people :)