want to foster a puppy :( help please!



  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Sorry, but I am on the landlord's side. I have owned houses and rented them out, and dogs, especially puppies are the most damaging pets of all. They p*ss and *kitten* everywhere and they chew and tear everything up. They are not like on tv where all they want to do is cuddle and be good. They bark terribly when they are bored.

    Your landlord has his reasons for not wanting pets. Especially puppies. Puppies take a long time to train and have way too much energy and get very bored quickly. I have had to spend thousands of dollars on fixing damage done by dogs. Just speaking from experience.
    That's ok :) I like to hear from all sides so I can make the best choice. Ty for sharing your side :)

    Your welcome and I am glad you didn't take it the wrong way. Also, if you are not made of money, which most people aren't, you may want to reconsider. They must have their shots and get spayed/neutered and a big dog eats alot! Good luck,

    LMAO! that they do! I help mom buy her dog food several times a month. and like hers mine would get nothing but the best :) I'm not rich but I know I have enough income I'll be ok. The worst I have to do is give up my games which I should prob do any how except they're the only thing I have here to DO a pet would be nice :) and nothing is better than an always positive friend around ;)
  • MsMo4DE
    Most landlords won't budge on the no pets rule. I was wondering if you've considered volunteering at an animal shelter instead.

    That's actually how this started. LOL I found out our local privately owned rescue (separate from our shelter) Has three pup in desperate need of foster homes. She's sick with mono and a concision with 2 young babies at home and so could use the help!

    I sure hope that you can talk it over with your landlord and can work it out then. :) regardless, the dogs need care. good luck!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I had a landlord who did not allow pets. I had to get a letter from my previous landlord stating how awesomely well-behaved and quiet my 12 lb dog was. Even then, he only releted grudgingly. Honestly, if the dog had been 50 lbs, or untrained, it wouldn't have flown at all. And I can understand that.

    If you are looking for companionship, can you get a different pet? One that will be truly yours (since I assume you may bond with fosters, and then have to send them on their way)? I just got my first cat (a rescue) and she ROCKS! Maybe your landlord would be more open to another type of pet?
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I would imagine that if that was the agreement when you moved in, it will still be. That's just my experience. I've never had a land lord that I could just compromise or discuss it with. What about a cat? That might be an easier thing to get the land lord to budge on. Not sure. Although, I understand if it's specifically a dog you want. Dos and cats are apples and oranges.

    I saw another comment that reminded you about the responsibility of owning a dog. I have to second this. :)
    You need to really think about it. Puppies are hard to manage. I found it almost similar to having a infant. Except that at least a infant goes in their diaper. LOL And I knew lots about dogs. Didn't matter.
    Some puppies can also have behavior issues while growing up. Mine did. And it was a lot of dedication and major patience.

    Don't just get a puppy because you're bored. That won't last. Trust me.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Oh oh believe me I now they are! I expect that and I'm ok with it. I don't have much I'm worried about and what I do can be pet away in a closet or the spare room. My biggest problem is there's not many "little" dogs I care for. I've been raised around HUGE dogs! moms smallest is 50 pounds her biggest 120. I'd be ok with about 50 pounds actually. Or would that maybe be considered a big dog? I know every one differs on that. to me that's small!

    A boxer or short haired dog like boxers would be great.............
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    You could offer to pay a pet bond (to cover costs of any damage) and amend the lease agreement to include professional carpet cleaning - including the removal of all pet hair on departure, and every 12 months for hygeine and carpet pretection.

    And agree - if the landlord says no - you'll need to drop it.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Oh oh believe me I now they are! I expect that and I'm ok with it. I don't have much I'm worried about and what I do can be pet away in a closet or the spare room. My biggest problem is there's not many "little" dogs I care for. I've been raised around HUGE dogs! moms smallest is 50 pounds her biggest 120. I'd be ok with about 50 pounds actually. Or would that maybe be considered a big dog? I know every one differs on that. to me that's small!

    A boxer or short haired dog like boxers would be great.............

    A boxer might not be a great option actually. I have a boxer. And he's 80lbs at 1 year. Boxers are also a very high energy breed. They need daily exercise or become bored. And you don't want a bored boxer.. LOL They are also a very dominant breed and will test their boundaries and dominance with everyone.
    Just saying... :)
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Wow! you all have been great! and I do appreciate each of your answers! I'm going to find out more from the man tomorrow about sizes and things. Or if they have any that would be a good apartment dog. Also I'm going to make an appointment with my doc and discuss with her if she thinks a pet would help me as well. Maybe she knows something I don't? You never know! lol I figure if the land lord says no than I'll get one of those small fish tanks maybe and a gold fish or something. Again I thank all of you! But I am of to bed now :) I have to be up early to help walk dogs lol If nothing else I'm going to try and keep volunteering. Though it's hard when you have to rely on family or friends for rides :(
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    some one else told me that too. I'm def going to see about doing so. I just switched over to her cause my other one wanted an appointment for EACH thing you needed to see him for. I'm not made of that much money! lol so I found a new one and love the quality of care she gives me!

    Alright. I have to stop you here. "I'm not made of that much money!". I don't think you understand the financial responsibility a dog is. They absolutely need all the required/recommended shots. And you should always have your dog spayed or neutered. Dog food is expensive. You CONSTANTLY need to have things for a dog to chew. You might need to take the dog to a vet because it is sick. This ALL costs money. You need to really consider these things.
    If you can't afford a dog. Don't get one.
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    ok guys I need your help! How can I convince my land lord (who's a really nice guy btw) to let me foster a puppy or two? My thing with him says no pets as did he when I moved in. But the rescue is desperate and I'd like to get one permanently if I could convince my land lord of it! I'm suffering from depression and my pills have seemed to stop working though not completely. I know I need to see my doc on it but I don't think it's the kind I need pills for. I honestly think it's more of an I'm bored and lonely thing seeing as how my upstairs friends aren't the most happy people to be around. I really do think a pet is what I need plus it's a good way to get my exercise ;) so how do I get him to let me be a puppy foster and maybe after convince him to let me be a pet owner? any ideas would be grateful!

    i have a very well trained dog and i moved from one house to another house and its the SAME landlord mind you.....she is a very old lady but very nice...and she wont let me have my dog in the new house...i offered her a pet deposit for the new house and extra a month and she still wont let me keep him in the new house......hope you can talk your landlord into it cause i have talked till i was blue in the face....grrrr
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    some one else told me that too. I'm def going to see about doing so. I just switched over to her cause my other one wanted an appointment for EACH thing you needed to see him for. I'm not made of that much money! lol so I found a new one and love the quality of care she gives me!

    Alright. I have to stop you here. "I'm not made of that much money!". I don't think you understand the financial responsibility a dog is. They absolutely need all the required/recommended shots. And you should always have your dog spayed or neutered. Dog food is expensive. You CONSTANTLY need to have things for a dog to chew. You might need to take the dog to a vet because it is sick. This ALL costs money. You need to really consider these things.
    If you can't afford a dog. Don't get one.

    :) you miss understand. I'm more than well aware how much it can cost for a dog. But what I was saying there was my old Dr. would make you come in for each separate issue you had. Say I had the flu and needed a refill on pills I'd have to make 2 appointments then pay to see him BOTH times at several hundred bucks each. I have about as much as any one else but I'm not Bill Gates! I am fully happy to accept any finances that comes with being a pet owner. Mom has three dogs so I do know these things are not cheap.