When is it reasonable to consider a boob job?

I'm just throwing this out there... I'm a christian, fairly conservative. I don't believe God made a mistake in making my body, and I also don't think it would be throwing it in His face to get a breast augmentation if it were for the right reasons... the question is.. what are the right reasons?

At my thinnest, I was teased about being a lesbian or cussed out and told to grow "titties" simply because i was very flat chested, and somewhat underdeveloped. I wear the right support now which gives the illusion of fairly well proportioned (nothing outrageous though, i look very natural and still small busted).

What I'm worried about is when I lose all the weight, I don't want to go back to looking boyish. I want to feel and look like a woman.
It's not that I am super insecure- I like the way I look- I could live without them and be alright.

It is frustrating to not be able to fill out a bra, or have shirts lay like they are supposed to- and have people constantly doing a double take just to make sure i am a girl (even though I am very feminine and quite pretty otherwise).

So... a) how much are boob jobs? b) are you happy with yours c) how did your family/friends react d) why or why wouldn't you support someone in getting them?

for conservative religious types (doesn't have to be christian) have any of you had it done?

All thoughtful, unsnide answers appreciated!


  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Personally, I don't think there are any right reasons.

    I had a friend get them, and when she told me she was going to I told her I was going to laugh at her. After she did it she was in so much pain and had nasty infections, so I felt too much sympathy to laugh at her (I'm not a total meanie... ha).

    I'm a breast cancer survivor, and I do have both my boobs still, but as a result of surgery and radiation, and now weight loss, I have two very different boobs. One is flabby and small, the other is big and perky. It's starting to be noticeable even when I wear clothes.

    It's possible that I could get some kind of boob job and even have insurance pay for it, but I'm just going to go the the breast cancer shop and get some unevenly padded bras. You could always get some padded bras yourself.
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    I say go for it. If it's something you've put a lot of consideration into it and something you're SURE about, then you should do it. I would try not to worry so much about other people's approval. You're doing it for you.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    u only live once
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    Ricky Gervais.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    omg take some of mine..big boobs are so annoying..i hate mine, there always in my way, i can never find a bra that fits..i wish mine were smaller lol
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    "I like the way I look- I could live without them and be alright. "

    Well then...dare I say...prove it!

    No right reasons...only pride and self worship..Be God focused and God centred and nothing else will matter.
  • If you're not happy with your body then do it. I am pretty flat chested and it's frustrating as hell to find clothes and bras that fit so I understand. My friends and family would support me if I went that route! Good luck!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I have fake ones, I love them and I say if you know the risks and benefits and want to get them then screw what everyone else thinks and just go for it. If you do it for the right reasons you won't regret it :). I sure don't!
  • amoeba15
    amoeba15 Posts: 38 Member
    "So... a) how much are boob jobs? b) are you happy with yours c) how did your family/friends react d) why or why wouldn't you support someone in getting them? "

    I had a breast reduction in 2008 (G cups just had to go) so while I was in the opposite side of the spectrum from you I can somewhat sympathize.

    a) Around $6,000 to $10,000. Mine ended up being covered by insurance, thankfully, as it was a $57,000 bill after they had to rush me back into surgery because I was bleeding internally. (There's a lot of risks involved.)

    b) Quite happy. It was a major quality of life issue for me just as your lack of breasts is a quality of life issue for you. If a small-ish augmentation improves your self-image and helps your interpersonal interactions (and let's face it, there's quite a bit of discrimination against flat-chested women, as you know) then it's worth it, in my opinion.

    c) My family members were the ones who first brought it up so they were very supportive.

    d) I'm perfectly fine if it's done for a quality of life issue, such as for breast cancer survivors or those who are like you. Doing it because you think it will improve your chances of being a porn star or looking like a celebrity, not so much.
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Psshh do it, your body your choice. Everyone is always gonna have something to say no matter what. Do u, and make yourself happy. For me after being over weight, breast feeding 3 children, working hard at getting into shape I deserve it. I believe what I believe and my relationship with the higher is mine alone. Only one can judge, everyone else can kiss it haha. Really you gonna go to hell for getting a boob job?? Lol
  • Ignoring all the Christian considerations, it's also important to consider that when you get breast aug, you are basically signing up for a lifetime of surgery. Breast implants are not really permanent -- they WILL need to be readjusted over the years. That's a lot of anesthesia and stress on your body, and a lot of stress on your bank account as well.

    That said, if you consider all of this carefully, and you want to do it -- then do it, and don't worry about what people on a message board, even other Christians, think. You're the one who ultimately has to live in your own body :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    omg take some of mine..big boobs are so annoying..i hate mine, there always in my way, i can never find a bra that fits..i wish mine were smaller lol

    No offense, but I personally have a smaller chest and every time a large chested woman says this, it's never made me feel any better. Usually just kinda irritates me and makes me jealous. :indifferent:

    I think if you can afford breast augmentation, have done your research on the risks as well as the actual procedure, and you're still okay with having that kind of thing done to yourself, go for it. I personally wouldn't take the risks, and I think it's a disgusting thing to do to an otherwise healthy, beautiful body. Breasts aren't there just for everyone to gawk at and drool over, they're meant for our children to grow and get what they need to survive until they're old enough to eat solid foods. I'm pretty tired of the female body being objectified and women always being pressured to feel as though they're not a woman just because they don't have the breasts of a porn star.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If you're seriously thinking about getting any sort of cosmetic surgery you should get a psychological evaluation first to make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. Too many people have procedures done because they think it will make them feel better about themselves and often times it doesn't.

    I'm considering a breast lift/augmentation at some point in the future to get my breasts back to where they were before I had three babies. They were pretty perfect and it makes me a little sad that they're different now. But, it will be a while before that happens. Breast augmentation costs (on average) about $5000, so I'll need time to save up!
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Everyone I know who has them has almost no sensation in their nipples...and for me, that's a HUUUGGGEEE problem.

    I certainly don't need a boob job, and would have considered a lift in the next 10 years or so, but again, everyone I know who's had a lift (or reduction!) has very little feeling in their nipples.

    I have a friend who's a plastic surgeon and he says that's the reality for most women who get a boob job. The bottom line is that it's reasonable to get a boob job whenever YOU decide it is.
  • Personally I feel if God created us in his image, he obviously had image issues. :P Sorry, but everyone is supposed to be unique. You're not unique if you were made in someone else's image.
  • I am a pro choice christian as wierd as that sounds. I know what is right for me based on my beliefs, but I truly do believe that there is a time and a place for everything and that you wont be condemned to hell for getting cosmetic surgery. Obviously I don't speak for god, but I find it hard to believe that with all the horrible things going on in this world that a little boob job would be a huge fuss. Beyond that, I was considering the same thing until very recently. I was lucky enough to do a surgical follow through on a patient who was having a mastectomy with reconstruction. It was amazing to watch, but at the same time it got me to thinking a little more about it. Surgery is very invasive and takes a huge toll on your body. Implants get inserted under the muscle and are usually held in place by a synthetic tissue that fuses with the skin. After surgery your sensitivity level in your breasts will never be the same which is kinda the final deal breaker for me. Thats just what I know and feel on the topic. I hope that helps some.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Do not think of it as flaws you want to change, rather than things that you already love and want to enhance. :)
    Either way it's your body.

    Good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    First, get to your goal weight, and be healthy. Then, make sure you do your homework on the risks. Lastly, it really is up to you. It is your body so this really should be your decision.

    I have no opinion on the matter as I was endowed with the opposite problem. It's hard for me to see it from your perspective.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I am not religious, and I do not really understand the religious reasons as why you shouldn't get a boob job? It is YOUR choice and yours alone. But people that are saying you were created perfectly, well then I hope you don't dye your hair or wear make up.

    Maybe I don't understand, but If you would feel More feminine, or more comfortable with a boob job, you deserve one. I don't think god will be disappointed in you. I have not had a boob job, but my boobs are naturally a good size for me. If they were not, I would want one too. Here in Australia they cost about $10000 :)
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am honestly considering a lift, if i get to the point where i do lose the weight i'm looking to lose. But I also have not done all the research I need to do on that subject.

    Opinions are all well and good, but it is your body and you really need to do the research to see just what will be happening to it before you make any serious decisions.