High school/college kids?



  • 21 year old college kid here. Feel free to add me :) I need all the motivation I can get!!
  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    High school! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ginger_red
    ginger_red Posts: 20 Member
    College sophomore but will be graduating as a junior in 2013!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    20 and in college :] Switching to a new school in the fall (hopefully >_< ) and going to be living on campus for first time ever! :D
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    high school :)
  • 25 >Sophomore >married>late bloomer just trying to get somewhere near my high school Bod
  • I'm 19.. almost 20 (almost out of the teens yay lol).. semi-sophmore in college
  • frindela
    frindela Posts: 8 Member

    Just a freshman, but add me if you want :)
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member
    Just graduated from college with a BS in Foods and Nutrition. I am technically a degreed nutritionist. Add me if you would like any advice on reaching your goals. I also am a workout enthusiast and know a lot of different exercises to help reach your goals. I've played ice hockey and golf for the past 20 years and I have been studying nutrition for the past 8 years.
  • I'm actually fourteen c: A tiny little freshman, actually. It's a shame this app won't let me say that, though.
  • lmaoitzkaitwyn
    lmaoitzkaitwyn Posts: 22 Member
    22 education major! Feel free to add me I need all the support I can get!
  • i’m in high school, grade twelve. i can’t change my age on here but I’m not 19. i really need to lose weight but i need good friends and support that i don’t have here at home. please add me, i really need help.