I Need Friends!

Hi! I just joined and I need some motivational friends!


  • Hi, I too just started, about a month ago, and I'm friendless.... I am still trying to determine what works but I'm happy to converse, share and listen to what works and isn't working for you!
  • Hi brittnyj11! I just joined two weeks ago and lost 6 lbs! Some of my friends and I are doing the Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure. It's awesome! What are you doing? I would love to hear your goals and why you joined :-) I am pretty chunky but used to be really REALLY thin so it feels so strange to me. I know the skinny minny is inside of all of us! :love:
  • I'm here for you. I'll send a friend request.
  • chase7512
    chase7512 Posts: 76 Member
    I've been on here (or one just like it, but not as good) for awhile and lost 75lbs, I'll send request