When you need help, just add music!

I will tell the truth. Tonight, just like last night, I DID NOT WANT TO WORK OUT. Why? Because I had already undressed and dreaded the idea of putting a bra back on.. NO LIE!

I was messaging my workout buddy and we chatted about how next time we talked, we would have something really to brag about. So, out of obligation, I put on my gym shoes and headed out the door. As I pulled out of the garage, the freaking fog was so thick, my visibility was less than 3 feet. It was looking pretty darn bleak and then Van Halen's Pretty Woman started playing on the radio. There it was... INSPIRATION!

I got into the gym and turned on Pandora on my iPhone. I created a new channel, 'The Traveling Willbury's'. I hopped on the elliptical machine and set off. I wasn't disappointed. First song, 'Last Night'. I started jamming.

A few songs in, the music slowed to Pure Prairie League's 'Amy'. I like the song so in order not to 'pass', I kicked the level on the machine all the way up and went at it. Yes, dramatically slower, but to pace and a much needed 3 minutes of pain.

The pace picked right back up with song after song of my childhood and teen years favorites. 'Watching the Wheels' by Lennon, 'Wild Horses', 'Stuck in the Middle With You', Tom Petty's 'I Won't Back Down' and 'Alright for Now' , and Roy Orbison's 'Pretty Woman' were just a few of the highlites.

I jammed, I sweated, and I had to make sure I did not sing along out loud! I hit it harder than I had all year. It felt great, a much needed kick *kitten* workout.

To end the hour, I was again granted favor by the Pandora geeks and Johnny Cash's 'God's Gonna Cut You Down' played for my final two minutes. Perfect lead into for a cool down..

In the end, my workout stats were the best in a long, long while. 60 minutes, 7.5 miles and 400 calories burned. oh, YEAH!

Thanks boys! Let's do it again soon!


  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    This a great motivator for me to load some workout music on my new MP3 player. I've been using it primarily at work and watching HGTV on the elliptical.
    Thanks for the reminder to try something different.