new to this site and having trouble losing

hi new to this site. my coach from told me bout this place. looks pretty interesting ...6 yrs ago i weighed 155 and now im at 207 too much for me. have been up to 220 but lost some in last few years. i work out with turbo jam ....but my eating habits are poor as can be im sure.hopefully that can change.


  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    hi new to this site. my coach from told me bout this place. looks pretty interesting ...6 yrs ago i weighed 155 and now im at 207 too much for me. have been up to 220 but lost some in last few years. i work out with turbo jam ....but my eating habits are poor as can be im sure.hopefully that can change.
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363

    I have been on here officially since last August and it's been a struggle with good days and bad. You will find so many MFP members that are going thorugh or have gone through the same thing.

    So, let's begin - what do you eat and how often do you eat on an average day?
  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    on average i might eat two meals and maybe a snack ......i eat the normal southern food. fried fish. mash tators, or fried tators. fried eggs or scrambled , burgers. subway....enchiladas.....beans chicken spaghetti etc.
  • rockchic9382
    It sounds like that's your problem right there. You need to eat at least 5 times a day but small portions. If you eat every 3-4 hours that will boost your metabolism because you're body constantly has something to work at burning off. Also, obvioulsy you need to change your diet. Cut WAY down on any fried food. Try to eat more grilled chicken and fish, even pork (lean). Fresh vegetables with little butter and tiny salt if you must (sodum adds water weight). I think this site will help you as long as you stay truthful in logging your meals. That way you'll be able to see exactly how may calories and fat the foods you eat regularly are actually adding. It's a simple equation really burn more calories then you eat.
  • RXchic
    RXchic Posts: 47
    Sounds like your food choices may be the issue. Try aiming for a lower total calorie amount for each day rather than eating just low calorie foods. Unfortunately, the foods you like are high in calories - my grandma was from Texas and I know how good southern food is!:tongue: I am fairly new to this site, but so far what has worked for me is to still eat the food I like, but in smaller portions. Abstinence & eating rabbit food will only make you crave the good stuff more - leading to binges. You might also try breaking it up into 3-4 small meals per day. Hang in there & good luck :flowerforyou:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    well let me start out by saying welcome to MFP... This is a great website and you will love it.. It will keep you aware of what you eat and your excersice...

    I dont eat anything Fried... so you might want to try not frying so many things and try baking and broiling or grilling things.. and add lots of fruits and veggies... and you need to eat six meals small very small and watch those serving sizes...

    good luck in your weight loss journey...just try changing a few things and you will do just fine...

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome MFP, the greatest website ever. You will love it here. I do. I find this site so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Congratulations on your choice to better your life!

    Eat well, and track your calories, weigh yourself weekly (although I admit--I weigh daily! :embarassed: ) and measure, measure, MEASURE your body parts!

    If you like to read inspiring blogs, take a look at mine :wink: located here at MFP (the address is in my signature).

    Friend me, if you like. :smile: I am always here to listen and support! :flowerforyou:
