Multivitamin Tablets making me ill!



  • betsygw
    betsygw Posts: 43 Member
    They make me sick too unless I take them with my food. I eat breakfast, and halfway through, take the vitamins, then eat the rest. About 10 min later I eat several crackers, and drink a little water and I don't sick then. I know it seems like a pain, but I have medical reasons I take the multi vitamin, and calcium and high dose b vit and folic acid (prescribed from my doctor). Best of luck, but I have found this works well for me. I also have found I can handle them better later in the day, at lunch time afternoon snack time. Best of luck.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Take them before you go to bed...
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I can not take muti's on an empty stomach.
    When I gulp them down halfway through a meal, no problems.
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    I just bought some recently, too.............they made me feel like I was going to throw up! My daughter came home, and said that she was taking her medicine, and felt like throwing up..............then mentioned that she just started to take a daily vitamin, too.... I told her to stop taking the vitamin, continue with the medicine, and see if you still need to throw up! She said that she could take the medicine without having to throw up, so the multivitamin, affects her, too!!!!!
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    try drinking a few glasses of water when u take the pill this should help a little at less thats what my doc recumend for me
    if u really cant take them u should try finding out which vitamins ur diet lakes and just take those indivisibly
  • elizabeth1222
    have you try the one A day for woman they have the petite kind
    I usually take them in the morning with a protein shake
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    Multivitamins intended for adults make me sick to my stomach as well. I've heard you should try to drink a lot of water when taking vitamins but that hasn't helped me... so I swapped to Flinestones Chewables... They taste yummy and my Dr. even said that's a good substitute.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    If the main issue is that you are burping up the nasty taste or some powder, then it's not going all the way down. You need to drink a full glass of water with it to make sure it's going all the way down. CVS drugstore makes one that's tiny-it's just a little round red tablet and goes down much easier. If you're still having issues, call your doctor. They can prescribe one that works better for you that won't have these effects.

  • jendavis07
    I bought multivitamin tablets a few days ago and been taking them once a day after breakfast for the past two days. Ever since I keep on burping and can taste the tablet throughout the day. Yesterday I started hiccuping as well and the back of my throat feels like I'm going to or have been sick. Ive had the day of today as I don't feel right and my mums told me to stop taking them for a while to see if there causing it. Could it be them or is it something else? Has anyone else had the same problem?

    try taking them at night before you go to bed. that might help you.
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I take vitiamin tablets every day and I have no problem with them. Try a different brand.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    If you're eating balanced throughout the day you don't need them anyway.
  • sqvash
    sqvash Posts: 17
    If your body is rejecting it, I'm thinking you don't need it. I would advise, don't take it before bed and sleep through the sick! If you eat a healthy/balanced diet you really don't need any vitamins.

    Watch this news clip for some more info:

    Good luck! :)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have never been able to take them in the morning. I take them at night right before bed. I think it is the iron that makes me so ill. I couldn't take prenatals for the same reason.
  • anabell31
    I used to take Centrum for women and always felt nauseated afterwards. It got to the point where just the smell makes me sick. I switched to Centrum chewables (orange) and don't feel sick any more, but do burp quite a bit and can taste the orange of it
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    My solid women's daily multi-vitamin makes me sick too. I have actually thrown up from it before and it's not because I didn't eat breakfast and it's not because I didn't drink enough water. (I drink a LOT of water.) My body just doesn't like them. Now I take my vitamins separately (B12, E, Biotin, Calcium +D, iron, etc) and I'm totally fine. A nutritionist told me that the solid single-pill multis are very difficult to digest and to look into a multi-vitamin that comes in a set of different pills for each day. That way each vitamin or mineral is in the type of pill/capsule/tablet that is best for you, not all just lumped into one solid pill.

    I've also heard on these boards that some people have had better luck with prenatals.