Started Shred last night and hated it lol Anyone relate?



  • mandos78
    mandos78 Posts: 32 Member
    i also started it yesterday my upper arms are still a bit sore this morning. my husband watched the first couple of minutes of the warm up and laughed at me when i said i was in agony afterwards, so i challenged him to do it aswell. this morning he groaned with every step he took.
    that will teach him never to mock me again lol
  • britneyblonde
    britneyblonde Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks guys! Glad im not the only one who struggled with it!
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on day 4 level one.I hate certain moves in it...because I'm no good at it! Press ups, I'm getting better at (the modified version that is :p), the skipping I hate, it murders my calves, and all the sit-up moves I'm pretty much terrible at - especially the last move, but like others are saying here - it's 20mins a day! Work it, you'll only get better. I am a little weary of level 2 though tbh!
  • shariTN
    I've had to give it a rest after D5L1, it was wrecking my knees. It's a shame, I felt like it was having an effect. Might start it again when i feel repaired, but not do it every day. Meanwhile, I'm incorporating some of the kinder exercises into my regime.
    I was having some problems with my knees as well until I started doing all the cardio on one of those mini trampolines - works a charm!

    I did this also. It makes a world of difference!
  • shariTN
    :huh: Trying to not sound stupid but can you explain what the 'shred' is? It sounds intense but gives results.
    Anyone? :bigsmile:

    here's a link you can copy and paste
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    Also, I'm using 3 kg hand weights, it's all I have! D: It was murder at first, but now I kinda like it!
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    I swore at the tv for te first five days then it got easier. All in all, I lost a lot of inches in a short timeframe doing the shred!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Yes. Hated it but 3 days in my strength improved considerably. End of first week I could do the pushups and now I love it. And trust me, I'm on the "MUCH" heavier end of the spectrum.
  • megan2088
    I'm going to order a copy now and see how I get on.

    I do Zumba and love it but need something to really push me to get my beach body :) wish me luck!! x
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    I Love the shred, ive started doing it as my morning workout as its only 20 mins. I get up at 6.45 and get in a shred before work, really wakes me up and makes me feel like ive already achieved something for the day!
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    Seriously stick with it, it gets so much easier and makes you feel good when you realise how far you've come...i couldn't do the modified push ups properly when i started and I only did day 4 today and can already do 10 in a row (modified). So just stick with it makes you feel really good after a few goes!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    I was not all the fond of it either but I made it through the whole 30 days. I did a lot of modifications - especially all the jumping moves. But I good results and have moved on to P90X.
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    I totally agree - the first couple of days at level 1 wiped me out but after 10 days I could happily do the whole thing (well maybe not the proper push ups) and was feeling V proud of myself.

    I have now done 2 days at level 2 and am hobbling like an old-age pensioner but I'm certainly better than I was yesterday (when I was sure I would die).

    My point is; stick with it - the first few days on each level have been awful but I’ve improved so quickly it’s amazing and has really built my confidence!

    I’m almost half way through so Jillian will NOT beat me into submission!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    stick with it! you will be glad you did!

    but, I do have a piece of advice that helped me get through it....... after a day or two of getting familiar with the circuits, MUTE the TV and turn on some music! It makes it much "easier" to get through when you are not listening to her voice for 30 minutes. Just keep an eye on the screen so you know when it's time to go to the next move.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I hate it. Not because I find it especially hard, I am happy doing press ups etc, but I found it boring, Jillian immensely irritating, and I don't burn nearly enough calories doing it to make it worth while.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    It's good and actually, if you can't do pressups, you need to learn fast for your health. You need to have strong core muscles and arms to be able to protect your body from injury. Say if you fell, the instant reaction would be to land on your arms and act like suspension. Strong core helps protect your back too. So get doing them as often as you can, even outsode the video. You'll get strong fast. Start on knees, try and do 5, short break and do another 5, when its too hard to do 5, do 4, then when its too hard to do 4, do 3 etc etc and then do the same later in the day. when its getting a little easier, start with a bigger number, when you reach 10, start to to come off your knees and do full pressups. when you get fatigued this time, drop to knees and resume process, but always start next set in full position.

    It works trust me. And pushups become easy fast. But you should try and do a few every day, even if it's 10 before bed or 10 in the morning or both. You lose the strength quite fast. Doesn't take long and essential.
  • tiffanypardus
    I'm on day 6 today. Days 2 and 3 I could barely walk. It DOES get better. I can't do all the push ups either so I do what I can on the ground then do the rest against a wall so I am still doing something.
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    I also really struggle with the modified push ups, I have started doing them against the seat of my sofa, still with my knees on the floor, being a little higher makes it a bit easier! I will move up to normal modified pushups when I feel that is easy! I also used a lighter weights for first few days although now I have moved up to 5lb weights except for the last strength move on level 1 which I find quite difficult still even with the lighter weights. I am only doing the workout every other day and running on the alternate day, that gives my muscles and knees some time to recover!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Also, I'm using 3 kg hand weights, it's all I have! D: It was murder at first, but now I kinda like it!

    I only have 3 kg weights too. Some of the arm lifts are really hard with that weight!
  • MistressOfHate
    I hate Level 1. Too much jumping around. So now I switch off between the other 2 levels. I like that it's only about 20 minutes. I'm fine with only burning 160-180 calories. It works for me as I am not a fan of exercise and don't want to rely to heavily on it for weight loss.