Returning member needing supportive Friends

h64em Posts: 64 Member
Hi there,

I'm Helen from Scotland. I first joined in Feb 2011 and lost 42 lbs, but after stopping to go on holiday late september I'm finding it difficult to get back on track. Add the christmas holidays and I put weight on! I need to start again but I'm finding it harder this time round. I still have 25lbs plus to lose. Need your help guys!!


  • bennyevs
    Hi Helen!

    Good effort on the EPIC 42lbs lost before! Thats amazing work, especially in only the 7 months prior to last years holiday. At least you know you can do it. What were you doing before to do so well? Why not just try doing the same thing again or are you doing that already?
    Having a good support network around you when you're losing weight is research proven to be more efffective than doing it by yourself so I'll be here if you need and support!

  • sazzet
    sazzet Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Helen, I am Dina from Cairo, Egypt and I say go for it !! I need support too. So let's support each other. You are so lucky, you have already gone so far, don't let yourself go. I just started and am not sure if I am on the the right track. Anytime you want support, send me a message.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    hi helen,
    im from scotland as well, from just outside glasgow!!
    feel free to add :) xxx