Under daily count, but gaining weight?



  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    Not sure if this helps because I don't know when you got back from your trip, but I went to Cambodia awhile ago and was eating very healthy (veggies, rice, fruit, etc) and I kept gaining weight. Halfway through the trip I realized everything was cooked with a ton of salt and MSG! So after a couple of days on a strictly fruit and plain rice diet the weight came off and it was just water.
  • demonyca
    I weighed up again this morning because my brand new clothes suddenly felt different than they did while I was touring around Thailand and Cambodia. Of course, this is after waking up every hour last night to go to the toilet. I must have gotten rid of 2 litres of just water in those toilet-visits.

    So I woke up this morning and weighed in - I'm at PRECISELY the same weight I was before I left for my trip!! Those scary extra 2kg are just gone!

    I am so relieved! I thought I'd really messed up something somewhere, but it's not all bad after all. Thank you all for your helpful, kind responses. I really appreciate it.

    Taking the dog for a walk now :)