Doctor advice conflicts with MFP



  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    When I first read the title of this post I was thinking, "just tell her to listen to her doctor, doctors know all of our health conditions, MFP only can calculate and not make educated decisions". I was wrong. And your doctor is ridiculous. Good luck with your new doc!
  • glorifyglamorize
    Props to your mom - except everyone's body is individual so you can't just tell people to eat 1200 calories a day and BAM they'll lose weight - that's unrealistic. There's no set number for every person.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's called "practicing" medicine for a reason! They dont know everything just because they have a Degree on the wall! You have lived in your body your entire life. You know what feels right for YOU! I would find another Dr too!

    No one should assume that any doctor know everything. They are humans. If you question what one says, get a second opinion. But if living in one's own body for years = knowing what's best for that body then WTH are we all doing on MFP???
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I concur with the others, find a new doctor. Regarding your plateau, you may need to alter your workout. If you are doing long periods of cardio try doing intervals (treadmill, elliptical, bicycle, walking). If you are doing any kind of strength training and using light weights (1-5lb) during one session a week use heavy weights and low reps. In addition, you may need to increase your calories by 200-300 with clean foods. I've been exercising consistently for years and the only way I can get the scale to move is to always mix up my workouts and of course alter my diet... My scale was stuck and I increased by calories by approx 250 for two straight days and voila I lost 1.5 lbs.

    I agree with this. My trainer has told me the same things, about temporarily increasing food intake and changing up workouts. It does work.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    I bash doctors a lot. I mean A LOT. Like others have said doctors don't know jack about nutrition. But honestly I wouldn't dump your doctor for that.

    You want an internist to catch obvious or otherwise acute disease and manage it with meds if it's simple or refer you off to a specialist. That's it. If you expect anything more you're being unrealistic. No internist is a heath guru that can tell you everything you need to know for optimal health. They simply don't have the background. And since the docs comments about weight-loss are to be taken with a grain of salt I'm not so sure they were that terrible. Frankly I don't have all that much faith in the precision of my HRM either. The general idea of keeping calories low to loose weight is basically correct (even if the precise number is controversial). You're going to have to tweak a weight-loss plan for your body regardless of the arrogance or air of authority of the source you heard it from.
  • JaganQueen
    So sad to hear that your Doc is so discouraging. I was actually introduced to MFP by my Doc, after an un-planned, extended stay in the hospital (I was there for over a month).

    Since she introduced me to MFP (and kept me on my Meds) I have lost weight and look and feel much better.

    I agree with most that you should find another Dr not so much for competency reasons but simply because you need to be championed by someone who is positive and has your best interest at heart.

    Truth is invaluable, however it is useless when coming from a negative Spirit.

    Stay positive and I wish you continued success.
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    So I went to my Internist last week for my 6-month checkup, and just about everything she told me was against what I’ve learned and what I’ve read on MFP. I think I need to find a new doctor!

    I was frustrated because I hadn’t lost any weight in over 3 weeks, but I’d started eating healthy (from eating whatever I wanted) and had added a 2nd round of exercising several days/week. When I mentioned I burn between 400 - 900 calories in a day through exercise, she said there is no way I could burn that many unless I was a younger, very athletic person. When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    She also said the only way for me to lose weight is to eat 1200 calories per day, regardless of how much I exercise. And that if I don’t lose the weight now, I will really balloon up once I hit menopause (I’m 45). How’s that for encouragement?

    So I think I’ll find a new doctor before my next checkup!

    As an RN, I find that medical malpractice. She's an idiot, and not a very nice one at that. Run (since I know you can!) to a new doctor that values your own participation in your weight loss journey and your health. You go girl!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    So basically, because your doctor didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, and her advice conflicts with the advice you get on a message board full of mostly people who have very little actual knowledge of metabolic processes, aging, and nutrition science, you think she sucks and you should find a new doctor? Her job isn't to "encourage" you. I'm sorry to disagree with just about everyone, but I think you're writing your doc off a little too quickly. Why not actually try what she advised you to do, and see what happens?

    I understand what you are saying in your post above, however, it doesn't appear our friend has the RELATIONSHIP and TRUST of her doctor to be able to talk thru differing points of opinion. Some docs have to hurry and get to the next patient, they have an office full of people to answer to... BUT, if you cannot have a HONEST and open discussion with your doctor, then something is wrong. What the doc says after that simply doesn't matter.

    I encourage you to RUN to a new doctor and make sure this is someone you can talk to, someone you can trust and someone you can really feel has your best interest at heart. They may not tell you want you want to hear, but I hope you can trust them enough to 'talk back' and begin a dialogue so the TWO of you together can plan for your health!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Props to your mom - except everyone's body is individual so you can't just tell people to eat 1200 calories a day and BAM they'll lose weight - that's unrealistic. There's no set number for every person.

    That's exactly what I said.
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    Just because they are a doctor doesn't mean they know everything about health and nutrition. Last year my tax accountant told me I would owe taxes this year, I actually got a hefty refund. He didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, and he was actually wrong.

    Two years ago when I had a cold and could not afford to take sick days from work, I saw a GP who told me that chicken noodle soup and bed rest are the best ways to beat the common cold. I just wanted an antibiotic so I could get back to work as quickly as possible. And why would I pay a doctor to tell me to eat chicken noodle soup? I could have just called my mom and got that answer. Needless to say, that doctor is no longer with the practice due to her hippie methods not helping patients.

    My GP told me I needed to lose weight and could do so by eating high no that's not the only way to do it. I saw a nutritionist, who is actually trained in nutrition unlike a GP and she took my measurements and assigned me a daily calorie intake to achieve safe weight loss. I doubt my GP could tell me how many calories I need per day to lose weight.

    Granted, you can't get full facts from a message board, but if you can sort out the opinions of others from facts, you can learn some things about nutrition and fitness from the MFP message boards. A good example is the argument that you should eat six small meals a day vs. 3 big meals. There is scientific proof for both sides of the argument, but it really comes down to which style works for you.

    That doctor does not appear to work for you, and you might want to try a nutritionist. Most insurance companies now offer 6 free visits per year to a nutritionist. Without insurance they can cost between $100-200, but you can learn a lot from just one visit.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    So basically, because your doctor didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, and her advice conflicts with the advice you get on a message board full of mostly people who have very little actual knowledge of metabolic processes, aging, and nutrition science, you think she sucks and you should find a new doctor? Her job isn't to "encourage" you. I'm sorry to disagree with just about everyone, but I think you're writing your doc off a little too quickly. Why not actually try what she advised you to do, and see what happens?

    This isn't too far fetched. Instead of completely disregarding this Doctor, why not just seek out a second opinion and compare? I am not siding in either direction, but logic would suggest a person should investigate further when comparing a Doctor's advice to a fitness/food website message board. Internet research is so all over the board, it would be better to ask for an additional opinion, or simply as for a referal to a nutritionist who can get to the nuts and bolts of your health. It's true that many people can eat a lot of calories and still lose. It is also true that tons cannot, and maintain on very low calories. Everyone's body is different, so it is just ignorant to assume this Doctor is a quack and blow him off. In short: Get educated from valid souces in a variety of viewpoints before deciding what is or is not the best method for you.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    Wow! I can't believe she basically called you a liar then told you to eat only 1200 calories NOW or you'll just keep getting fatter. Run, don't walk, to a new doc.

    Remember that just because docs have medical degrees doesn't mean they know everything. Weight loss (and having a good bedside manner) clearly isn't her specialty.

    Couldn't agree more!!!! What a rude, unsupportive individual...NOT someone you want to depend on in time of need, that's for sure!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    So basically, because your doctor didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, and her advice conflicts with the advice you get on a message board full of mostly people who have very little actual knowledge of metabolic processes, aging, and nutrition science, you think she sucks and you should find a new doctor? Her job isn't to "encourage" you. I'm sorry to disagree with just about everyone, but I think you're writing your doc off a little too quickly. Why not actually try what she advised you to do, and see what happens?

    No, the doctor gave bad advice based on false assumptions. You can't burn 400 to 900 calories in a day unless you are young or very athletic? No md required, that is patently false! I am surrounded by friends who disprove that daily as do I. That is plain ignorance and is offensive to the dedicated folks who are out there daily running, riding, etc. I can blast past those numbers easily on a bike ride or longer run. No one needs a 100% accurate heart rate monitor to prove that they burn 400 to 900 calories in a day. I have a friend here at MFP that is still 350 lbs (not an athlete!) and burns 1,500 to 3,000 calories daily on bike rides and several friends have burned 4,500 to 6,000 in a day on century rides. I am 59 and routinely burn 1,500 on bike rides and close to that on long runs and I have never been a called an athlete! This md is scary giving horrible advice speaking to areas in which they are not knowledgeable. I have had two md's who are also trained nutritionist tell me the opposite of what this md says with regard to nutrition. And yes, I do expect my md to encourage me with good, sound advice. I agree that MFP is full of untrained people giving bad advice; her md would be right at home here. I would find another md today.
  • Kelly50054
    So I went to my Internist last week for my 6-month checkup, and just about everything she told me was against what I’ve learned and what I’ve read on MFP. I think I need to find a new doctor!

    I was frustrated because I hadn’t lost any weight in over 3 weeks, but I’d started eating healthy (from eating whatever I wanted) and had added a 2nd round of exercising several days/week. When I mentioned I burn between 400 - 900 calories in a day through exercise, she said there is no way I could burn that many unless I was a younger, very athletic person. When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    She also said the only way for me to lose weight is to eat 1200 calories per day, regardless of how much I exercise. And that if I don’t lose the weight now, I will really balloon up once I hit menopause (I’m 45). How’s that for encouragement?

    So I think I’ll find a new doctor before my next checkup!

    You are in charge of your body, not the dr. You know what works best for you, not her. We are not their puppets.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    For me, I have a hard time with the doctor saying that the only way to lose weight is to eat 1200 (or any other number) calories and that the amount of exercise is not relevant. That goes beyond the doctor not telling you what you want to hear, or saying that the doctor's advice conflicts with the opinions from a chat board where not everyone knows what they are talking about. While both of those are true, how can anyone conclude that exercise will not impact weight loss? I'm certainly not an expert, but some of this is common sense. If you exercise and burn more calories you will lose more weight than if you don't (all other things remaining constant).
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    So I went to my Internist last week for my 6-month checkup, and just about everything she told me was against what I’ve learned and what I’ve read on MFP. I think I need to find a new doctor!

    I was frustrated because I hadn’t lost any weight in over 3 weeks, but I’d started eating healthy (from eating whatever I wanted) and had added a 2nd round of exercising several days/week. When I mentioned I burn between 400 - 900 calories in a day through exercise, she said there is no way I could burn that many unless I was a younger, very athletic person. When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    She also said the only way for me to lose weight is to eat 1200 calories per day, regardless of how much I exercise. And that if I don’t lose the weight now, I will really balloon up once I hit menopause (I’m 45). How’s that for encouragement?

    So I think I’ll find a new doctor before my next checkup!

    First of all, congratulations for recognizing you need to get regular checkups.

    Second, there's no harm in getting a second opinion. Just because you're getting another opinion doesn't mean you're maintaining or changing doctors. Personally, I would find another doctor if you are routinely upset by what he/she tells you, b/c having a good relationship with your PCP is important.

    Finally, I've heard the menopause issue before, and I'm right there. It is so unbelievable difficult for me to lose even a pound, I wish I had taken it off sooner.

    Have faith in your decision. You'll end up doing what's right for you.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Presupposing your version is true and correct, I'd have fired that doctor on the spot.
    Any professional blanket advising caloric intake is incompetent.

    This. Everybody is different, if you don't take it into account you're either lazy or incompetent. Neither of these things would I want as a character trait of my doctor.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    quack by blmarvin, on Flickr
  • drzeuss
    drzeuss Posts: 6 Member
    So I went to my Internist last week for my 6-month checkup, and just about everything she told me was against what I’ve learned and what I’ve read on MFP. I think I need to find a new doctor!

    I was frustrated because I hadn’t lost any weight in over 3 weeks, but I’d started eating healthy (from eating whatever I wanted) and had added a 2nd round of exercising several days/week. When I mentioned I burn between 400 - 900 calories in a day through exercise, she said there is no way I could burn that many unless I was a younger, very athletic person. When I told her I used a heart rate monitor, she informed me those aren’t a reliable measure of caloric burn.

    She also said the only way for me to lose weight is to eat 1200 calories per day, regardless of how much I exercise. And that if I don’t lose the weight now, I will really balloon up once I hit menopause (I’m 45). How’s that for encouragement?

    So I think I’ll find a new doctor before my next checkup!

    Doctor's are human. They bring with them the same preconceived notions that we all have about certain subjects. She may not have any problem with her weight and may not have any personal experience with being overweight and possibly that includes her family too. (I'm just guessing) The feedback she gave you seems to be straight textbook recitation. As everyone (including any doctor) should know, there is no "perfect diet"! If there was, anyone could follow that diet and lose or gain weight to reach their ideal weight.

    That being said, if you are not comfortable with a doctor, for ANY reason, you should find another one that you feel comfortable discussing your issues and concerns. If you are not comfortable, the doctor/patient relationship doesn't function right especially since you should share info with your doctor that you may not share with anyone else! Everyone has different needs when it comes to doctors. I personally like a doctor that will listen to my concerns, address my questions and tends to be positive (I'm thinking this is the type you would like), but I've met other people that expect a certain level of distance from their doctors as "professionals" and don't ask questions because the doctor knows more.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Doctor's as a general rule are not a good source of nutritional advice. Especially for people exercising regularly, as their numbers on the scale and BMI are ALL they care about - lean mass:fat is not a consideration for most of them.