What to Snack on when you just can't stop



  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    I paint my nails when I want to snack. I started a nail polish blog (with 40 followers now, yay!) for a variety of reasons. Mainly, I need to do a lot of swatching of colors so I can post every day. That's really time consuming.

    I do puzzles or read while walking in place.... If that doesn't work then I sew...

    I usually go for health snacks like nuts, protien shakes, yogurt, fruits/veggies with PB.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I had the same problem before I joined the gym two weeks ago. I can't even believe how my cravings have gone down to almost nothing since then. I am at the gym every morning except Saturdays and I work out from six to seven thirty. Then I go to work. I don't know why, but my urges have diminished alot. Also I eat healthy, I think when you work out and eat healthy, it changes your cravings. Anyway, that is how I beat the cravings.
  • chase7512
    chase7512 Posts: 76 Member
    Not to sure if it was mentioned, but you should be having 6 small meals a day with your daily consumption of water. Consume 16 oz's of water prior to your meal and then have little sips in between bites will fill you faster for longer.

    Breakfast / Morning Snack / Lunch / Afternoon Snack / Supper / Evening snack (2hours atleast before bed)

    Also ensure breakfast is your largest meal working your way down. You follow these steps as I have and it won't be that much of any issue after about a week

    Something to remember is:

    Eat breakfast like a King/Queen
    Eat lunch like a Prince/Princess
    Eat supper like a Pauper
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    when i want something to munch on I go for popcorn, mini rice cakes, apple with peanut butter, carrots, grapes, weight watchers strawberry smoothie ice cream bars ( only 60 cals), also string cheese or a hard boiled egg. I hope this helps
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    This may sound silly, but I've found if I brush my teeth after a snack or meal it cues my body that it's tim eto move on. I've read that it's the mint that triggers the response so I suppose gum might work also.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    After battling this for years, I had to accept that a lot of it is psychological. I don't NEED that, I want it. I'm not hungry, I'm bored/frustrated/angry/sad....

    We only need so much food. The rest is a story in our head.

    I agree with this. You've got to work on the problem from the inside out. It takes a long time to break old habits but it can be done. Next time you feel like snacking like there's no tomorrow, take a minute to yourself and think "Am I really hungry?" If you aren't truly hungry, try and figure out why you are eating (boredom, anger, sadness, habit, etc.). Everything else is just a band-aid.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    After battling this for years, I had to accept that a lot of it is psychological. I don't NEED that, I want it. I'm not hungry, I'm bored/frustrated/angry/sad....

    We only need so much food. The rest is a story in our head.

    I agree with this. You've got to work on the problem from the inside out. It takes a long time to break old habits but it can be done. Next time you feel like snacking like there's no tomorrow, take a minute to yourself and think "Am I really hungry?" If you aren't truly hungry, try and figure out why you are eating (boredom, anger, sadness, habit, etc.). Everything else is just a band-aid.

    Thank you. And to elaborate some more, because this was a big ole break-through for moi.....

    Really, I don't need that food. I only need 1500-1700 calories a day. That is not a lot of food. I've been eating very clean for at least three years. Unless I plan meticulously and execute my plan, I can go over that without even blinking.

    I had to (have to) continue to tell myself..."It isn't real hunger. It is desire. I would also like to sit on a beach all day. I don't need to. I want to."

    Saying "No" to myself is not something I enjoy doing. I think everything is all about me and my happiness. Only thing is, happiness isn't as easy at 50 pounds over weight, as it is now. Been there.

    It is most definitely a habit that needs repetition to become a part of daily life.

    That is my goal and my reward.

  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    After battling this for years, I had to accept that a lot of it is psychological. I don't NEED that, I want it. I'm not hungry, I'm bored/frustrated/angry/sad....

    We only need so much food. The rest is a story in our head.

    I agree with this. You've got to work on the problem from the inside out. It takes a long time to break old habits but it can be done. Next time you feel like snacking like there's no tomorrow, take a minute to yourself and think "Am I really hungry?" If you aren't truly hungry, try and figure out why you are eating (boredom, anger, sadness, habit, etc.). Everything else is just a band-aid.

    Thank you. And to elaborate some more, because this was a big ole break-through for moi.....

    Really, I don't need that food. I only need 1500-1700 calories a day. That is not a lot of food. I've been eating very clean for at least three years. Unless I plan meticulously and execute my plan, I can go over that without even blinking.

    I had to (have to) continue to tell myself..."It isn't real hunger. It is desire. I would also like to sit on a beach all day. I don't need to. I want to."

    Saying "No" to myself is not something I enjoy doing. I think everything is all about me and my happiness. Only thing is, happiness isn't as easy at 50 pounds over weight, as it is now. Been there.

    It is most definitely a habit that needs repetition to become a part of daily life.

    That is my goal and my reward.


    That is a great way to state it: you do need to say no to yourself in all areas of life, including food.