1200 calories plus exercise Calories?

So i went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and she yelled at me. I had gained 11 paound since last year. I'm not a big girl but 11 pounds in 1 year is a lot. I'm 31 5'6 and I weighed in at 147. My normal is right around 135. However I would be happy to loose about 20 lbs total. I've lost 4 lbs so far but I'm wondering about the calorie counting on mfp. It says I should eat 1200 calories per day unless I exercise. I exercise at least 5x a week and earn anywhere from 450 to 750 in extra calories. Should I be using them and eating over the 1200 or am I better off staying with the 1200. Will I have enough energy if I stay aroung the original 1200?


  • Venus2011
    I read on the community board that if you calculate what your goal weight is then you can use the BMI calculator to figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain that weight. I can't always eat all the calories they give me if I exercise. Right now according to my desire weight goal I'm eating the right amount of calories. I'll find the posting and post it to you
  • Venus2011
    Here it is: Topic: An easier way yor setup goal calories .... Posted Monday 01/3/2012 @12:45pm

    You can click on "search" and enter the title and read all the postings.

    This is long because of extra explanation, the actual method is simple, but please read and understand too. This can get you over the dreaded plateau effect too.

    So many different methods of setting up goal calories.
    MFP suggestions, which may not always be the safest or smartest. (ie net calories below your BMR)
    Bringing in outside calculations and just manually adjusting goals.
    Eating back exercise calories, or some, or none.
    Selecting activity level.
    Another method.

    Why not just tell MFP the weight you want to end up at, select the activity level you are really at, select weight loss goal of maintenance or no loss, and just eat at the recommended, and don't enter exercise calories?

    You would be eating at the level for the person you want to be. Isn't that what you will do eventually?

    Because then there would be no tracking available that would show current level and how much to go, or how much lost, ect.

    Can you manually adjust the goal calories to accomplish the same thing?

    You bet.

    Couple of interesting points, in case not known.
    BMR, why so many recommend not eating below it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate
    energy in this state is sufficient only for the functioning of the vital organs, the heart, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, liver, intestine, sex organs, muscles, and skin.
    If you provide less than BMR in net calories, your body can NOT get this from itself, it will slow it down to require less.

    And considering a healthy BMR probably burns more calories than your exercise, perhaps your exercise and normal daily activity, do you really want it slower?

    The Harris calculation (gender, age, weight, height) for BMR is pretty accurate for those already in the healthy average range - meaning when you get to goal weight. When you are outside of it, it loses accuracy.
    The Katch calculation (weight, bodyfat %) for BMR is more accurate during all times, and doesn't need exact BF% to be within 50 calories of BMR.

    So the MFP BMR calc is probably as accurate as you need it - when you are at your goal weight. But probably not right now.

    The activity level decision is 4 broad categories which can make it difficult to get right.
    But using sedentary and entering all exercise calories could be very off too.
    Having a big amount of calories on some days to make up is difficult to eat.

    So here is a much simplier method.
    1. Calculate your BMR for the weight you want to be.
    2. Calculate your activity level with better accuracy and include exercise in that estimate, spread the extra exercise calories across the week, no big surprises each day.
    3. Arrive at maintenance calories for the person you will be.
    4. Set MFP Goal calories to that level (you can disregard all weight loss goals, ect MFP suggests).
    5. Don't worry about entering exercise calories, just type and time for tracking if desired, zero out calories.

    1. Use this site for calculating BMR for your goal weight.

    Use the gender, age, height, and goal weight.

    2. Enter in your normal sleep, normal desk job, normal walking, normal weight lifting, normal intense exercise time, avg hours per day. This method WILL underestimate the calories you probably actually do, if you work out intensely.

    3. There is the maintenance calories you would probably be eating at your goal weight doing that level of activity on avg each day.

    4. Now in MFP, My Home - Goals - Change Goals - Custom - Continue - change Net Calories Consumed to that value.
    Change your Workouts / Week and Minutes / Workout to what you estimated in your activity level calculation (good to see that goal), change Calories Burned / Week to 0, and click Change Goals.

    5. Now when you enter Exercise, just enter activity and time for tracking if desired, but 0 out calories burned. Put in the notes if really desired to know calories. Might be good for spot checks.

    You may want to review your Exercise Diary a month down the road to confirm the hours spent match the estimate you gave for activity level, and if it should be updated up or down.

    And now your Food Diary Daily Goal Calories will always reflect the same number, no credits for exercise, no big makeups to eat, ect.

    And you are eating for the person you will become.

    BTW, I tested a bunch of different body types, and only infrequently did the maintenance calories for the person you will become, end up lower than the current BMR, so safe. Only in obese situations, and that is exactly when that is safer.

    Otherwise, do you really want to lose 20-30% of your daily calorie burn by lowering your BMR because of under eating?

    Hope this helps with simplicity.
    Edited by heybales on Mon 01/30/12 12:52 PM