Feeling frustrated =(

I'm feeling very frustrated today. I honestly feel like I'm really doing a good job working out 4 to 5 times a week, but when I get on the scale, it either don't move, or it's just a pound here or there. I know I should be happy with the pound here or there, but it's frustrating to me. As for my food intake, I work in fast food, so it's hard to find things good to eat, I do my best. I started working out 5 weeks ago, no less than 4 times a week. I guess I just feel I should be seeing more results. Can someone maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? I need help please, and friends on here. Please feel free to add me for support.



  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    if you could open up your diary so we could see how you're eating that would help. Also, feel free to add me as a friend if you need some extra support!!
  • Not sure how to open the food diary =(
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    There may be several days that you don't see the scale move - but as long as you're eating enough and getting exercise, it will happen. It's a lot easier to put on 10 pounds than take if off. Without knowing what kinds of foods you're eating and how many calories, it's hard to answer your question. There are tons of great people on here that will give you moral support. Good luck.