Here Comes Summer - Week 4



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    GOOD MORNING ALL:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Some cardio today. More strength training. Hope all have a great morning.

    It's a little rainy here this morning. Maybe sun and in the 60's this afternoon. Yea:bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    So me and my work collegue were having a chat earlier about really not being bothered about what food we eat and the lack of motivation with the gym.. this isnt the first time we have had this chat.

    We have our Time of the month around the same time and we both get the munchies around the same time! i reckon thats whats causing my lack of intrest at the moment.. its weird how some people work the same!!

    Grr its a bit annoying! I hope i can get through it!!

    :heart: Katherine
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    OH the TOM Munchies....:sad: :sad: They are the WORST!!!! I always want somethign SWEET!!! And I am not a super "sweet" addict either. Just at those times! I work the exact same way! YOu WILL be able to get through don't worry. I bet by next week you will doing AWESOME! I am going to come with you to ireland...hee hee just leave some room in your suitcase for me:bigsmile: One day I am soooooooo comeing back to England and do a proper tour of it, this time also hitting scotland, wales and ireland...but I think that I will be quite a bit older ahahah with more gray hairs to boot!

    Just hang in there Katherine:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You can get through this little bump...and you are right It is ONLY a couple of days. What are a couple of days in the the whole spectrum of things??? Not really anything. A Whole bunch of days doing good always counts more than a couple of bad!!!:tongue::tongue:

    Welcome butterfly!

    Laffy it is GREAT to touch my toes ahahah I can see them too when I look down...that is even BETTER!!!!!

    Jackie Jackie Jackie You have been soooooooo quiet BUsy??? HOpe you are having an excellent week!

    Kathy please send some of that 60 degree weather up to MN please....I need it to melt the nasty yucky snow we got dumped on us!!!!:grumble: Enjoy it a bit for me please :bigsmile:

    allright going to eat my llunch and get to my house work!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    The sun never came out today. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    BUT, I am glad we do not have snow.


    I went to the gym but i am dragging at this point. Hope everyone is having a great day.

    The weekend is approaching. My enemy.:explode: :explode: :explode:

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    It must be something about the day!!! I have been really draggin as well!!! But i did do my workout! Better get your gloves ready for teh weekend!!!!:bigsmile:

    You can make it through I promise!!! Just make sure you have fruit in teh house and allow yourself ONE special treat!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning 1 and all.. well.. its friday and i can officially say... Thank God!! I think im coming down with Tonisilitus... Fingers crossed!! ha ha.. that means no food will pass my poor throat! lol :laugh:

    Any whoo im going to have a play with my Polar F6 that has finally arrived this weekend! whoopie! maybe that will give me the motivation to go to the gym!

    I hope i do some more exersice next week! i cant get slack about this ladies!!! :glasses:

    Busy morning at work.. JUST finished my cereal.. I brought in some birthday cake in for people in the office because i made such a big one, it wont all get eaten at home... :bigsmile: unless my dad devours it! :laugh:

    Anywhoo you might not hear from me over the weekend.. im never usually online over the weekend, but if i am i will drop a line! :wink:

    :heart: Katherine :heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good morning 1 and all.. well.. its friday and i can officially say... Thank God!! I think im coming down with Tonisilitus... Fingers crossed!! ha ha.. that means no food will pass my poor throat! lol :laugh:

    Any whoo im going to have a play with my Polar F6 that has finally arrived this weekend! whoopie! maybe that will give me the motivation to go to the gym!

    I hope i do some more exersice next week! i cant get slack about this ladies!!! :glasses:

    Busy morning at work.. JUST finished my cereal.. I brought in some birthday cake in for people in the office because i made such a big one, it wont all get eaten at home... :bigsmile: unless my dad devours it! :laugh:

    Anywhoo you might not hear from me over the weekend.. im never usually online over the weekend, but if i am i will drop a line! :wink:

    :heart: Katherine :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All,

    Katherine:flowerforyou: Sorry to hear about your Tonsillitis. I wish you the best.
    You are just going to love your Polar F6. I had mine for about a month and just love it. It does motivate me to keep on working out. I love to watch the calories burn.

    You have a great weekend.
    :heart: Kathy
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Morning all, where the heck has this week gone ?????:noway:
    Yesterday I woke up with a sor throat and no energy, my son bought me some chocolate which I ate! I did no exercise all day - yet despite all this I lost weight WTF ?!?!?!?:noway:
    Hey I aint complaining, i'll eat chocolate every blooming day if i lose weight :laugh:
    Got to sort my son's bedroom out today and plant some veggies, but other than that, I'm not doing much, still got sore throat and feeling low.
    Have a great weekend everyone :heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hey, Jackie nice to see you on the thread. Hope you are feeling better. To funny about the chocolate.

    Got to go and walk Bosco. Check in later

    :heart: Kathy
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Only 30mins left of work! what a dream!! Oh how i love fridays..

    Oh i must say before i go... Had a massive blow out last night.. me and my family went to a restraunt called the Rum Wong.. they do amazing Thai food.. Yumo!! My tummy was happy last night! yum yum yum!!
    Kathy, thanks for your comment on the HRM.. Really looking forward to having a go with it! :bigsmile:

    Hi Jackie!! I also had a chocolate attacking session last night (along with dinner out) mum n dad bought me some of the white stuff back from venice... YUMMMMOO! :laugh:

    :heart: Katherine:heart:
  • indianagranny
    Good Morning All,

    Welcome to the newcomers. This is a very good motivational thread - well on their way to losing 20 by June 12th.

    Jackie, thanks for sending me the message. Alot of times I had been reading but not posting. Work has me in a whirlwind and by the time I get up and get everything done, I have a few minutes to read and then rush off. Work nights - sleep days. I also wish I could lose weight when eating chocolate.

    The weather has to give way to sunshine some day - I was going to complain a little about ours but I don't still have snow so I decided to hush.

    Been a bouncing act with the weight - down two up 1.5 - down .5 - up 1.5. Just trying to deal with it and get it to go down. Inone month I have been on here today, I have lost 14 pounds. I am quite satisfied.

    Everyone have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Checking in all,

    Just got back from the gym. My HRM said I burned 487 calories in 1:22 minutes. yea.

    indianagranny:flowerforyou: Congratulations on 14 lbs. lost. Way to go. Keep it up. Don't be discouraged about the yo-yo thing. I seem to yo-yo all the time. I listen to my body and it is telling me I am doing just fine.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I am ready for the weekend and I am going to win.

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    :angry: :explode: :mad:
    I weighed myself today.:sad: :sad:
    I have worked so hard and what does that blasted piece of junk say???? Well let me all tell said I GAINED 2.5 flipping pounds. I almost wanted to climb in bed again. My hubby says that I shouldn't worry about, it is probably water retention. Yea yea, well it still makes me MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDd grrrrrrrrrrrr But I still worked out and am continuing on. I don't think that the PMS helps at all.

    i want a reeses peanut butter cup....and a donut.....mmm and a dairy queen blizzard....grrrrrrr good thing I live in the boonies where I have to actually travel 20 miles to get an icecream!!!!

    Allright I am done being mrs grumpy pants....:grumble:

    I also LOVEEEEEEEE my HRM!!! It is just awesome! We added in the treadmill and the eliptical 15 mintues plus the boot camp. but not bootcamp 3 she wimped out....well I did too I guess....hahah:noway:

    Jackie I hope that you feel better and enjoy the new toy!
    Katherine Have a great weekend!!!!!
    KATHY!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO WIN....get the pink gloves on hahaha:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    indiangranny YOu are so AWESOME that you have lost 14 pounds woo hooooooo!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    alright I am going to go and eat my lunch....don't worry I have no peanut butter cups or icecream in teh house and definelty no donuts...:wink::wink:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Jenny I agree with your hubby. Don't worry about the 2.5 pounds. It is probably water.

    Just don't give up. I am always wanted to take my scale and throw it out the window. But I us it as ONE of my tools now. I know I am exercising and staying within my calories. Well, not on the weekends. BUT, AND THAT IS A BIG BUT. My weekends are going to be no different. THE PINK GLOVES ARE ON AND I AM READY.

    I did make it through my Friday meal. I had a spinach salad with shrimp. I kept it within my calories because I used a fat free dressing. Believe me this is not something I would have eaten for a Friday Night Out. I would have had Fried Clams with lots of tarter sauce and nibbled on my friench fires. I also drank water. No wine. Maybe it was because I had my pink boxing gloves on and it was hard to eat.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    :happy: :bigsmile: thanks kathy!! You would be proud of me no icecream,donuts or peanut butter cups ahahah I was strongggggggggggg :tongue:

    I really did look at the fridge and see these big pink boxing gloves when I went in search of a snack hahah it did the trick! I came out apple!!! yay me! hahah I am proud of you and dinner! It is soooooo hard to be 'good' when you are out!!! i am going to have to start calling you kathy ali ahahah floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee :wink: :wink: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    well night night!!! have to put my wee little puppydog to bed hee hee she needs her beauty rest!

    Say is bosco doing better??? the allergy gone? I hope so give him a petting for me!! Hope he doesnt mind the pink boxing gloves!!!! hahah

    :heart: :heart:

    ps I am in a better mood tonight than earlier thank goodness!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Morning all :flowerforyou:
    I was planning on a walk along the beach this morning with Storm, but I woke up to heavy rain! :grumble:
    So it looks like I'll be stopping in today - all I've done all blooming week!

    indiangranny - well done on such a great loss - go get em huni :drinker:
    Kathy - well done for staying strong on your night out :drinker:
    Jenny - More than likely to be water rentention, but knoing it don't help none does it :grumble:
    Katherine - I think there is always someone ready to help us sabotage our selves - they do it out of love, but we end up paying for it anyway :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, I got myself a body fat scale, and am 40.3% fat - hmmm, wonder what I was when I was 3 stone heavier ????? :ohwell: Guess I'll never know :ohwell: But I am NEVER going back there to find out !!!! :noway:

    Here's to healthy eating choices this weekend ladies, anyone want to set us any challenges this week? I think I could do with a litle motivation at the minute :laugh:

    :love: Jackie :love:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Well Saturday is here and I am ready for it. I just had my cereal and I will be going to the gym soon. For those who can not make the gym. Do some dancing. Put your music on whether MP3 and stereo system and work up a sweat. I challenge you.

    :flowerforyou: Jenny, thank God I was able to take my pink gloves off while I was sleeping. hehe. :bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: Jackie we can do it on the weekends we will prove it to ourselves. :tongue: :tongue:

    Today is the Big Day. The Birthday celebration. I will do very well. My family will notice and I will be very proud of myself. One of my daughter in laws suggested making paper mache easter eggs with the kids. I thought that was a great idea to keep me busy. A little messy but I think the kids will like it.

    I will check in later and let you know how I am doing.

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    Kathy get your inner child out and get MESSY actually it is so fun sometimes just to put your hands in goop and squish it around....kind of theraputic! (sp) You sound like you have a very supportive daughter in law!!! she sounds great! :flowerforyou:

    Jackie Just remember that you are 3 stones LIGHTER!!!! 38 pounds!!! that is your motivation right there!!!!! my motivation came yesterday when my sis in law had found a picture of me from about 5 years ago! ohmigosh....i had a whole extra face! and would you believe that I was also holding a plate of food?:noway: :noway: So I hung that up on the fridge!!! So between that and pictureing kathy in her boxing gear battleing the fridge I have got some motivation!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    hmmm I will have to think of a challenge......:wink::wink:

    :heart: :heart: jenny

    ps thanks for the encouraging words yesterday i was having a baaaaad day!! much better mood this mornig!!!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I won Saturday's battle.

    I am so excited.

    :heart: Kathy
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    congrats... you made it through the day and had a great time too i'd suspect... good job!!!!