Fruit and vegtables, How do people live without them?



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Does banana bread count as a fruit?

    If pizza counts as a vegetable, then I don't see why not.:devil:
  • Kizzle87
    Thanks for your posts guys and girls! It's lovely to see some people's opinion on it! fruit and veg is deffo a winner for me! so glad so many of you agree!
  • Kizzle87
    Okay, so I don't eat fruits and vegetables daily.

    So does that make me a bad person, NO, and if you ARE judging me by what I put in MY body then yes, you are being judgmental. Maybe I haven’t experienced eating in this manner because I can tell you that I love MEAT. I am most definitely a carnivore. My B.S. is in animal science and I love every animal walking this earth. That doesn't mean that I want to eat every furry, slithery, jumping, bounding creature that I see, it’s just my preference. I tried being a vegetarian once because of my love for animals and it didn’t last for a full day. I prefer my rabbit food, like lettuce and carrots, to be accompanied by bacon bits and ham and a big juicy t-bone steak. Apparently I may be doing something wrong since I am on this site trying to lose weight. I am all about changing for the better, and everything that I do is most definitely not always right, but when and if I change my diet because its healthier and better for me, I will do so in my own time. Judge that.

    I wasn't having a go, just merely stating a fact that I had seen, I also love my meat, it doesn't detract from my love of fruit and vegetables though, I'm not some over the top vegetarian activist and that's not how I wanted to come across, I'm a carnivore same as the majority of people on this planet are. I wasn't taking a personal stab at you, and it's obvious I wasn't, so no need to get in a huffy about it. I'm here because I have made bad choices in the past, I've eaten to much and not done enough exercise, but when I happen to visit my doctor, and being 12st overweight might I add, that she thinks I probably eat them most varied types of veggies and fruit and have the most balanced diet she has ever seen before in 45 year of being a doctor and I'm 12st overweight, then what the hell do people eat! So if i can eat a healthy diet (albeit probably large portion of carbs and meat with those veggies other wise I'd be slim), being 'fatter' than the majority how come so many people can't? you make it sound like i named and shamed you, not sure how I could as I've never mentioned anyones name and even seen your username before, but when people moan about not losing weight and yet not 1 fruit or veggie has passed there lips in a month I'll hop on my soap box like you have. Im 21st, with fantastic blood pressure and choleterol and my fiancee who eat less than me and is over 8st lighter but never eats fruit and veg has both high cholesterol and blood pressure, who do you think is is healthier? how about you judge that.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I don't understand this either. If I didn't eat fruits and veggies, at least half my food for the day would be missing. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the protein craze most people are hyped up about. They think they need massive amounts of protein and the only way to do that "must" be to eat massive amounts of meats in lieu of produce.
  • Kizzle87
    I don't understand this either. If I didn't eat fruits and veggies, at least half my food for the day would be missing. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the protein craze most people are hyped up about. They think they need massive amounts of protein and the only way to do that "must" be to eat massive amounts of meats in lieu of produce.

    lol I agree, we didn't just eat meat when we were cave people, personally I don't see the hype, i understand more protein when building muscle is important, and I know carbs don't agree with some people, but i'd be lost without my carbs!
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    Ditto. It's amazing to me, too. Sometimes I'll read through a diary and think about how awful my body would feel if I ate like that.

    Then again, there are days where my own diary makes me feel that way, but it's not that often! haha

    I <3 veggies
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I am on Atkins induction just now and its hard not reaching out for a fruit because I luuuuuuuurve fruit and can eat vast chunks of any fruit, in any meal. And in a way that could be my problem because I am insulin resistant - it's easy to binge on fruit and then get fluctuating sugar levels. I hope when i get to my goal weight i can add fruit back, but I also do need to watch how much fruit goes into me.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    edited March 2015
    If I don't get enough fiber, I'm ravenous throughout the day. No matter how much protein I get. I simply cannot stay in a calorie deficit without fiber. Where the fiber comes from matters too. I've found that the Fiber One cereal (Nutty Clusters & Almonds) does nothing for me. I ate nearly an entire box one day and it didn't fill me up, nor did it give me the runs (like I would normally get if I ate too much fruit).

    Oops, I am just now realizing I responded to a three year old thread. I apologize if that's frowned upon around here.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I have nothing intelligent to add to this discussion but the thread is crying out for this

  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If I don't get enough fiber, I'm ravenous throughout the day. No matter how much protein I get. I simply cannot stay in a calorie deficit without fiber. Where the fiber comes from matters too. I've found that the Fiber One cereal (Nutty Clusters & Almonds) does nothing for me. I ate nearly an entire box one day and it didn't fill me up, nor did it give me the runs (like I would normally get if I ate too much fruit).

    Oops, I am just now realizing I responded to a three year old thread. I apologize if that's frowned upon around here.

    Woops me too.