Depo ProVera birth control; hindering my weight loss?



  • HeatherRM14
    HeatherRM14 Posts: 33 Member
    You can still have an IUD even if you haven't had kids. I don't have kids and it was suggested to me by my GYN and I have a friend who doesn't have any kids and she has an IUD. If your doctor tells you that, you need a new doctor. I think it's just "easier" to put it in if you've had children before.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    You can have an IUD without kids, but there are a lot of risk for women who never been pregnant or given birth of rupture of the fallopian tube. Some Ob/GYN would do it, most will not.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I've never been on birth control but I hear it all makes you gain weight.. =/ Go see your gyno, see about something that might be different.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Heh, I wish it was hat easy. We don't really have "gynos" here in the same way you do in the US. We just have to speak to our GP, which is often a deflating experience. Still - I'll give it a whirl next time! Thanks!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    I went to my primary care physician with complaints of weight gain/trouble losing even with great diet/exercise for months, constant fatigue, weakness, aches&pains, low libido.

    She said absolutely every one of those symptoms can be attributed to the Depo. She says it also causes osteoporosis that is USUALLY reversible. I love the shot. I really wish it wasn't so bad for my body. I haven't had a period in 2 years. I don't miss the heavy bleeding or severe cramping. I am considering switching to the patch. I am just so bad at remembering the pill because my day is never the same. There's way too much variation in my timing from day to do day.

    I really wish my OB/GYN had told me about the side effects and risks involved before putting me on it.

    I don't think I could do an implant (I work in Radiology and see IUDs get stuck and painful places) or the NuvaRing (looks like a jelly bracelet!)

    I can't wait until the day I'm married and ready for kids. I won't have to deal with this crap anymore!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Heh, I wish it was hat easy. We don't really have "gynos" here in the same way you do in the US. We just have to speak to our GP, which is often a deflating experience. Still - I'll give it a whirl next time! Thanks!

    I had massive weight gain on Depo, came off it, lost the weight, then started the combined pill and the weight piled back on. I've now switched to Cerazette. It's a mini-pill so you have to take it every day at a similar time but, like Depo, it has stopped my periods altogether, which is an absolute God-send.

    I'm still convinced it is affecting my weight but at least if you tried Cerazette you can come off it more easily than Depo. And my sister is also on it and is skinny as a rake, so it seems to affect everyone differently.

    I don't bother seeing my GP for contraceptives any more - I usually go and see the practice nurse or my local contraceptive clinic (they hold one at a nearby health centre in the evenings - far easier than trying to make appointments while working).

    It also sounds like the Mirena coil (IUS) could be an option for you. You can have it if you haven't had children but they are sometimes reticent as there is a very small risk of infection and infertility. It gives off a small dose of hormones - some women find it affects their weight the same as a full dose of hormones from the pill, others are fine on it.

    There's loads of info on NHS Choices:
  • How long did it take for you to start losing the weight after the shot? I ask because I am coming off of the shot. I had my last one in March and haven't lost any weight yet.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    The myth that birth control causes you to get fat has been around for a long time. However, studies on this relationship have shown that the hormones in BC (progestin for the DepoVera) may cause an initial gain in water retention, not fat. Since the hormones are so concentrated in the shot, this water weight might be greater in comparison to other BC.

    And I did read all the comments from women saying how it made them gain weight/ prevented them from losing weight. Unfortunately, us humans are prone to confirmation bias. I seriously doubt you can gain anything but water weight when you eat at a deficit. That said, much of our "appetite" comes from our mental perspective. If you tell yourself that product X will increase your appetite, it probably will. I've heard people swear that caffeine makes them so hungry, even though it is widely known as an appetite suppressant. So if you are convinced that this BC makes you gain weight, by all means, switch to something different.

    I personally did not want to take the shot because of the bone loss (that and not wanting to go back to the doc so frequently). I have been on the mini-pill, which has a lower dose of hormones-only progestin. Previously, I have lost weight (40 lbs) in conjunction with starting estrogen and progestin combo pills without problem. I would recommend the mini-pills, even if the problem is that you are forgetful. I have a terrible memory, but just set a daily reminder on my phone.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I lost a stone when I stopped the injection! Got the coil fitted instead! never looked back
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    depo is evil i gained 4 stone in 1 year and have only managed to get 2 stone off. im struggling with the latter. i had the depo about 7 years ago now and it made me FAT
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    RUN AWAY FROM DEPO. I went from a size 8 to a size 16 in 1.5 years time. That was some time ago, but I'm just now earnestly trying to lose the weight. It wasn't easy then and it isn't easy now. From the other responses I've read, things haven't changed. I encourage you to try something else...
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    I don't think it does. I've been on it since January and have lost 25 pounds since. The doctor did tell me up front that I would gain weight and my response was "No, I won't"

    Its all about control. Birth control in general changes your homones, which may cause you to eat more. However, just like with anything you have to be responsible for what you consume.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yeah. Depo is horrible for weight gain (as if there wasn't enough testimony in this thread)... There are too many other options to justify sticking with something that doesn't work for you
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Just read this article. Tell me what you think?

    I agree with this post! I have been on the shot for almost four years and while I did gain about 5-10lbs initally I also had success in losing 60lbs last year while on it. I personally feel that for my own self (not stating this as a general fact and please understand I know every womans body is different) using the "im on depo" excuse is just that an excuse. I know I can lose weight while taking it, does it make it a little bit harder? well yes i mean losing weight isnt easy but if you do the right things (like the article above states) you can def. lose weight while on the shot.

    Just my opinon :-) Good Luck with your journey!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I didn't experience any weight gain and it hasn't hindered my weight loss one bit.
  • stiver68
    stiver68 Posts: 2 Member
    I had the depo provera shot after the birth of my first child and gained about 30 lbs within the following 6 months.....also, it really messed up my hormonal cycle for a while.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    You can still have an IUD even if you haven't had kids. I don't have kids and it was suggested to me by my GYN and I have a friend who doesn't have any kids and she has an IUD. If your doctor tells you that, you need a new doctor. I think it's just "easier" to put it in if you've had children before.

    This is entirely true. By the way the hormone coil has the same hormones as the depo shot but as its already in situ the dose is much smaller. Avoids the weight gain entirely and in my experience is pretty good. Problem is the insertion is not pleasant and I had it done after 2 kids (so have a slightly open cervix).
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I have been on the depo shot for over 6 years. Yes I have gained weight, but that was mostly because I ate whatever I wanted and hated to exercise. Within the last couple months I made my life style change and started eating healthier and exercising regularly. I have lost 16 lbs so far and I do not see the depo as hindering my progress. That was all me. I think if you make a life style change, make healthier fulfilling eating choices and excercise reguarly you will not have an issue with the depo. The majority of the people on the depo and who are answering your post while on the depo obviosly have not been eating right or excersing regularly. That is the difference. Any medication can make you gain weight it is all about how you counter act that drug to get the results you want. Good luck I know you can do it
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I am on the ring and love it because it doesn't make me sick like the pill and patch did, and inserting/removing isn't the nightmare that some people like to make it out to be. I have it for medical reasons and use it 4 weeks at a time instead of 3, so my cycle is completely stopped.

    I do have to work a little harder to keep weight off but with the trade-off being not having a period anymore, I'm good with that.
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    definitely a possibility... I was on depo for 6 months when I was a teenager.. I had been the same weight for a long time, didn't change anything (eating habits/exercise, etc.) and I gained 7 pounds in each 3 month timeframe... :/