HELP...Why does even just a little cardio make your weightlo

I'm in a Biggest Loser contest.....and because of that - at this time I'm only concerned with losing pounds.
The contest has been going for 4 weeks and each week I've been losing. This week I decided to add some cardio into my day and I've been doing 30 minutes of cardio for 4 out of 7 days this week.....I'm still eating healthy and I'm still drinking lots and water....and the result is....weight gain. It is so frustrating. I've experienced this every time I try to change my lifestyle for the better.
I've only done 4 days of cardio - no I'm not buying the whole muscle weights more than fat thing. It's not my time of the month (sorry guys - if that is TMI). I am seriously wondering that if my focus us to lose pounds - if it is in my best interest to not to any excercize at all and just really watch what goes in my mouth????? Help - I'm dumbfounded by this!


  • picimadar
    picimadar Posts: 68 Member
    Diet IS 80% of most people's weight problem, so I'd maybe lay off the cardio if you really think that's what's making you gain. That said, it is NOT uncommon for your weight to fluctuate as much as 4lbs in either direction depending on how much you've eaten, what you're wearing, and how much water you're retaining, etc etc.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Any change to which muscles you are using is going to cause some temporary water weight issues as you abuse those muscles and they go through the heal, work, cycle, it will decrease pretty quickly though with cardio. Don't forget to have a rest day for muscle recuperation.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Not sure what to tell you, but I did cardio classes all summer and never lost anything. This winter I added weight training and I'm loosing at a good rate. A PT I consulted says it's gotta be both with diet to be most effective.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    When you start a new exercise program that your body is not used to, it is perfectly normal for your body to retain more water for muscle repair. If you keep at it for a few days or longer it should subside.

    Edit: Just saw your diary. Either you aren't logging or you aren't eating anything! ;) Either way is not great. As others have said, diet is by far the most important factor in fatloss, so get back to recording your food and that'll give you a better idea of what's going on. Information is power!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    i'd suggest giving your body at LEAST a month to decide whether what you're doing isn't working. Have you maybe gained muscle and not lost fat yet? It takes time for the fat to burn away and for your metabolism to adjust to your new diet and be able to work properly. Try not to get discouraged yet, give it a month and then see if you need to change things up. Oh, and MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE! :o)
  • In my personal experience, when I start working out after a period of relative inactivity, it takes my body 1-2 weeks of adjustment where I will see some gains (up to 3 lbs) that goes away just as quickly. I'm not sure if it is just that my body is retaining more water to take care of the muscles I am wearing out or what, but I feel your pain. It sucks to work out and see the number go UP, however, the overall health benefits of exercise outweigh a temporary scale change. If you are focusing on a weekly pound loss and could get eliminated solely for one week, it may not be the best time to start a new routine.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    When you start a new exercise program that your body is not used to, it is perfectly normal for your body to retain more water for muscle repair. If you keep at it for a few days or longer it should subside.

    What he said, it happened to me when I first started to exercise. You'll retain water for a day or two. I try not too (but have broken my own rule, I think my body has adjust to it though by now) exercise the day before I weight in.
  • I know, for me, it is really important to eat back you exercise calories back. I know it sounds crazy that in order to lose weight you have to eat more, but if you do not eat you exercise calories back, and getting a net calories of at least 1200 a day, your body will go into what is called "starvation mode" and hold on to everything it eats. Which may be why you are gaining weight. Like I said, I know it sounds crazy, but it works... trust me!
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Any change to which muscles you are using is going to cause some temporary water weight issues as you abuse those muscles and they go through the heal, work, cycle, it will decrease pretty quickly though with cardio. Don't forget to have a rest day for muscle recuperation.

  • Your muscles may also be temporarily swelling up from doing a new type of exercise which may be causing the temporary gain. (Cause the muscles have been strained (in a good way)). And you do build muscle very quickly. Have you ever lifted weights on your arms really hard for just a few days? Whoo, girl, they bulk pretty quickly! lol

    Also, how much longer is the contest? I wouldn't say to give up on cardio cause it's a great way to burn calories AND so great for your heart. BUT, if it may cause an unfavorable outcome for your contest if it's ending soon, I'd stay away until after it's completed and just continue then.

    If the contest still has a way to go... I'd just stay with it.... it will eventually pay off you may just have to increase the time to increase your caloric burn.

    Sounds like you're doing great though! Keep up the good work!!
  • JudySH13
    JudySH13 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to be a cardio junkie. I have just learned that I need to knock back the cardio and increase the weight training. The calorie burn from cardio kinda dies off when you stop working out. However muscle will burn calories at rest, so work on strength training and get those muscles working for you, even when you are at rest!!! A combo of moderate cardio and strength training will get your weight dropping in no time! And DO make sure you don't go into starvation mode. Eat enough to fuel your body well:)
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    I'm also in a biggest loser competition at my gym. My main reason for joining was to keep me motivated and give me a reason to work harder. I've been averaging 2 to 3 pounds a week. Not huge but more than I've done before I started the competition. I also started cardio since I've started the competition. I thought I might lose more but I feel a million times better since I've been adding cardio to my life. I actually sprinted up the stairs the other day and I wasn't even winded!! Such an awesome feeling!! Give it time and the weight will follow. I also need to watch my net calories, like some have mentioned. I need to be sure to keep it at at least 1200 so that I don't go into starvation mode. Sometimes I get to the end of my day and I'm truly not hungry but I make myself eat some more calories. I like not feeling like I'm starving all the time and I know it's because I'm doing cardio everyday. Exercise is great!!
  • lollyish
    lollyish Posts: 75 Member
    dont focus so hard on the scales, instead focus on the measurements, and your body fat percentage, once that is in a healthy range for you then you will look great!