So confused! Why am I gaining???!?



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I try to. But being big all my life, im so scared to overdo it. I had some crazy theory that the less I ate the more id lose. I by no means starved myself but I was eating small portions and eating really low calorie stuff. Not allowing myself anything that would be bad for me. Ive loosened up a bit now. I think maybe i need to make sure I get at least 1200 calories a day. Maybe that will help me balance out and start on the losing track again.
    Careful not to over reach.
    The number one mistake dieters make is not eating enough.
    The 2nd worse mistake is eating too much.

    It's a fine balancing act.
    MFP is a great place to get started on this wonderful journey.
    Getting healthy and fit is actually very simple but it's just hard work.

    Just get started by going into settings to Update diet/fitness profile.
    Set your goals for 1 lb weight loss per week.
    NO MORE!
    And eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Do both cardio and resistance exercise.

    Remember, this is not a race, and you can reach your goals if you stick to a good plan as recommended on this site.

    You have many people here ready to lend support, answer qustions and discuss any challenges.
    You can do this.

    All Is Possible!
  • Mynue_Jeens
    Mynue_Jeens Posts: 98 Member
    1200 might still be too low, especially if you started out eating a whole lot more. It's recommended to decrease your calories by about 500 so if you were eating 2500 before you should be eating 500 now. Also don't forget to eat back the calories you workout off through exercise. 1200 is kind of a base point people use but isn't exactly the most healthy amount.

    As far as what to eat? Lean proteins, healthy fats, lots and lots of fruits and veggies. Fresh if you can, frozen if you must, only canned if you can't avoid it (unless it's beans which are generally okay if rinsed). If you eat salad don't rely on the lettuce alone to be your veg, a lot of lettuces are super low in calories so load up on other veggies as well, maybe some chicken or ham or hard boiled eggs to add in protein. Lettuces like Iceberg have basically zero nutritional value so I like to use a mix of Romaine and Spinach/Baby Spinach.

    Most importantly listen to your body. If you find it hard to get in enough calories try adding in high calorie/good for you foods like avocado, and nuts. They pack a goo calorie punch but don't make you feel stuffed.

    Strength Training will be your best friend so be sure you're not being a slave to cardio and build up your muscle. the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn and the leaner you will look. Drink lots of water to combat the retention of it and you should be well on your way.

    Best of luck!