Do you tan?



  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I used to. A lot. On sunbeds.
    Not anymore. Plus I live in NZ, so we have the highest melanoma rates in the world (apparently - damn hole in Ozone layer).
    But I do tan up fairly well in the sun. ATM, I have mean jandal lines, lol.
    *waits for someone to ask what jandals are*
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    No, no and no....
    I get enough sun just going outdoors and am dark all year round.

    Not fair. Apparently I'm part Finnish, hence the blonde hair, blue eyes and very pale skin. I'm not even sure I could tan, honestly. I would like to try a tanning bed maybe once, but my fear of burning even with lotion on is pretty high.

    Oh, you should be able to tan beautifully with your Finnish heritage. I know it makes no sense! I lived in Norway for 4 years, and those people tan BEAUTIFULLY. My neighbour's sons were quite the sight. Their blonde hair would turn white every summer, but their skin would turn this awesome golden colour -- billboard perfect.

    Irish skin FRIES -- hence my dilemma. lol
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    ps... I use a bronzing lotion for my face... That's why I still look dark.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    NO, I work outside and even then I don't get too dark..
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Nope, no way am I going to give those cancer cells waiting in everyone's body a reason to morph.

    My sister used to tan ALL the time. Now, at 36 (almost) she is WAAAAY more wrinkly than I am, and I am 2 years older. Face wrinkles, chest wrinkles...
  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    I tan in a tanning bed. The first time I went 20 mins and burned to a crisp. I now go 13-15 mins daily and love it.. You can use sunblock on areas you think will burn excessively or you can start out slow like 5 mins at a time. To me its the same as sitting in the sun just a lot quicker and a lot less hot and miserable. and if ur already tan when you get in the sun you wont burn just an added plus..
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yep. Love it. I do natural tanning by the pool side at my condo complex during the summer. So relaxing, and I just love the look of a natural tan! :happy:
  • ivanaaaaaaaaa
    i own a tanning bed and love having tan skin, but i absolutely hate lying in it. i naturally have olive skin and tan easily so i'll get in several times a week for a couple of weeks until i get dark, then only a couple of times a week to maintain. eventually i get tired of it and don't tan for months. after my color completely wears off, i repeat the process.

    i love having tan skin - i look and feel 10x better. as i'm losing weight and leaning out, i love how the look of my muscles is enhanced by my tan.

    i guess it's a vanity thing, but it works for me. :smile:
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I have fair skin. My tan has a closer to the sun thing. Face burns easy, shoulders easy, but not as much as face, and speed of burn decreases the closer I get to the ground. My legs never burn, even when I forget to put sunscreen on them. I don't use tanning booths in the spring, summer, fall or first part of winter. I start in Janurary or Feburary. Once its wamr outside I stop going.

    Tanning places seem to grade their beds by the rays and what they do to your skin, I go for beds with middle range bulbs . Ones that have a mix of burning and non-burning rays. Gives the exposure I need to build up a tolerance, but its not super-ultra harsh. Generally 15 minute beds or the 8 minute standups, but I start at half the max time and increase one minute each 2-3 sessions. And leave at least two or three days between a session. After going that often for the first month I tone it down and just go once a week. I've never gotten to the max time on a bed. I have no desire to maintain the max.

    After a certain point of tanning bed tan the color will start to look a little weird. Try not to get carried away with it. Its painfully obvious to people when you reach that point, and not in a good way.

    I don't wear any sunscreen in there. They give you a towel and glasses, I put the towel over my face part of the time so it doesn't burn. You'll learn to sense when you've been in there too long, or if certain areas are getting too much. I'll move the towel from my face to my chest if I notice its getting to be too much, other times I just get out of it early. Better to go less than to walk out and turn into a lobster 2 hours later and have your clothes hurt as they brush on you (not to mention where your bra sits -- ohh that the worst!)

    yeah, and if you don't tan in the sun outside then you won't tan in a tanning bed either. Go spray!
  • kyoules
    kyoules Posts: 37 Member
    ATM, I have mean jandal lines, lol.
    *waits for someone to ask what jandals are*
    I know what jandals are!!! :):):) I live in the US but my cousins live in NZ.

    As for tanning, my Irish/Scottish/English skin prefers to be in its natural, pasty white state. When I was in my early teens I loved to try to tan but ended up with many sunburns. I've embraced my white skin and now wear sunscreen whenever I'm outside. Pale is the new tan. :)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    My skin is weird, I generally avoid the sun but the areas that do get exposed which is really only my arms/face, will develop a little bit of color. I've honestly never REALLY tried to tan as an adult. I just remember burning so many times when I was younger but I've always been bad about not using sunscreen.
  • demonyca
    I'm an Australian - we have no choice but to be in the sun at some point throughout most days. We also use a massive amount of sunscreen every day of our lives even as kids. It's well ingrained. But I also just spent two weeks on a tropical island in Thailand. I'm kind of very bronze-tan all over right now, but my skin is naturally very pale white on the parts of me that never see sunlight ;)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Love it!

    Could lie in the sun forever - 10/15 minutes. So warm and relaxing. Then pool or Gulf. I like my skin golden. Yeah, maybe I'll get skin cancer, maybe I won't. I'm not wrinkly yet, so.... :love:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    By the end of the summer, spending as much time in a pool as possible, the foundation makeup I use is "ivory" instead of "bisque."

    I like staying pale. In addition to preventing cancer and wrinkles, its better for my tattoos.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I absolutely love lying in the sun but I don't much anymore. Far too scared od skin cancer. Headed to Phoenix for spring break though and will use tons of sun screen.