Frustrated with plateau

I have plateaued way too early. I can't figure out if I am not eating enough calories or too many. 

I do my best to eat 1200 on my off day, but 1500 or so every other day. 

I eat when I'm hungry. I just have a hard time figuring out what my calorie deficit is from my workouts. 

I do a combo of cardio, strength training interval training for an hour 6 days a week.

Could anyone offer some insight or advice? Thanks! 


  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Cut out carbs at dinner (or at least cut them out most dinners), and step up your excerise. I would just step up excerise once or twice a week to see if that helps. Don't worry, from looking at your diary it looks like you are doing what you suppose to so just give it time and don't get frustrated.

    I did weight watchers for years and it really works (don't want to spend the money this time around) and the advice they give you is don't give up, mix up your food routine (eat more one day and less on others) and step up your excerise. They also say to cut out all alcohol but I just can't see how that can help. :)
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    I have the same issue everytime I lose weight but I know EXACTLY when I will get stuck. Always between 185lbs and 183lbs. I can go back and forth between those for months at a time before I lose hope and binge out starting the whole cycle again. You sound really determined to stick to it and I'm impressed and am giving a nastly look to the pounds that are clinging on desperately.

    >< *GLARE* Go Away Stubborn Weight!
  • nikkirec
    nikkirec Posts: 24 Member
    How long have you been at the same weight?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    You only fail when you quit.

    Keep working at it. Get several estimates on your calories burned from a few websites, use the average.

    Set your activitiy level realistically. If you work or go to school or take care of children, you are not "Sedentary". Set your weight loss goal ( "Lose 1 pound a week") conservatively. You cannot set it to lose two pounds a week if you are 30 lbs from your goal.

    Please take a minute and read these, they will help you determine how to set your goals.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    My advice - put your goals into MFP and follow how many calories the program says you should eat. If you exercise, eat back at least 50% of the calories you burn. This isn't a race- take it slow and use MFP for a guide.I know it's frustrating, but don't give up.

    I've suffered through 2 plateau's this past year - both of which felt interminable. What broke both was eating considerably more calories for a 24 hour period. I find eating around 1300 cals a day works for me (I'm 5'4" and down to about 139 from 175) for a slow weight loss, and I'd up the calories past 1700 to break the plateau. Within 3 days, I'd drop a pound.