Odd Problem, Please Help, Need More Calories

Okay, so I started my diet just this week. It is a safer, healthier version of Atkins IMHO.

I am eating very lean meats, healthy supplements (Vemma products) and almost purely protein. I feel like I am eating a lot each day, but I am still not meeting calorie goals. Today I was only at 900 calories.

I have two questions:

1) Even though my protein intake is very high and I am getting enough fat and fiber, will my body go into starvation mode because I am falling short of the 1600 and falling short of the 1200 in some cases?

2) What are some suggestions to reach my calorie goal? (I have been thinking of getting whey protein shake mixes to drink as snacks during the day, and that may help solve my problem)

I opened up my diary and have entered everything I have eaten for three days (I just joined the site Tuesday and didn't remember what I ate on Monday).

Thanks in advance, I just want to make sure I am doing this the right way and not starving myself like I have done in diets in the past.


  • Tainers
    I have the same problem.....I always meet or exceed my nutritional daily goals. But always fall short on my calories....I feel full all the time...I am meeting with my doctor and nutritionist Monday ... I will let you know what they say!!!!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I think there are some specific threads for people doing Atkins style, which yours sounds like. You might want to search for them.