I Burn more Calories than what I eat...Help!!!



  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    If you are only eating 1200 calories a day and exercising that much, you are not eating enough. The 1200 calories is built in for NO exercise. You should really be eating back your workout calories, or at least some of them.
  • Tanyawhite30
    thank you to all of you that answered and gave me suggestions without almost attacking me. I only wanted opinions and suggestions. What would be the point of being on This site if I lied about my food and exercise.... Sorry but some of these posts frustrated me...
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I dont know why anyone would say I don't log in everything I eat.. I am obviously here for a reason and take it seriously. I also don't understand why I don't have more appetite than this considering the amount of calories I burn

    I don't think that anyone was trying to say you were being misleading...just trying to understand better.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I dont know why anyone would say I don't log in everything I eat.. I am obviously here for a reason and take it seriously. I also don't understand why I don't have more appetite than this considering the amount of calories I burn

    Wait, I don't think people are saying that you don't log everything you eat. Nobody's attacking you! Rather, they are just asking whether you are absolutely positive you are logging the correct amounts of foods. Unless you are using a food scale to measure everything it can be all to easy to under or over estimate the amount of calories you're intaking. We're just trying to help! :flowerforyou:

    And again, I am also curious if you are using a HRM to calculate your calories burned? That can be another area where the estimates that MFP gives you can be quite a bit over OR under, depending on the activity.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    I think you've just confused people... it IS hard to figure out how it is that you're not absolutely starving with working that hard and eating so little. When I've been working out consistently, my stomach is growling and letting me know I've got to pay attention and get enough fuel in there.

    Maybe you could give an example of what you normally eat (or they can look at your diary), and people can help you fill in some blanks? My one suggestion for you would be to increase your protein - you're pretty low on that.
  • Tanyawhite30
    Yes many I understand some things the wrong way.. I'm French LOL! But I do mesure everything and I do have a digital scale to do that... I never had a big appetite before.. I just ate really bad.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You definitely need to be eating more....... I burn 1200-2000 calories most days and am eating 3200-3400 calories a day... I do wear a HRM to tract my burns and I eat back 85% of those exercise calories and leave 15% for error... I don't eat junk except for my weekly cheat meal so my diet consist of fish, tuna, chicken, veggies, and fruit..... I eat alot of almonds and pistashios to make up some calories and love peanut butter.... My breakfast alone is around 900 calories between 3 pieces of toast with peanut butter and coffee and a big glass of 1% milk. It isn't hard to eat 3400 calories a day when I am burning so much energy in my workouts. I am still losing 1 to 2 pounds every week for the last 32 months...... Heck last week I lost 5 1/2 pounds this late in my journey . So somehow you need to work in more good denser foods..... Good luck.....
  • Tanyawhite30
    My food diary is there for all of you to see
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    thank you to all of you that answered and gave me suggestions without almost attacking me. I only wanted opinions and suggestions. What would be the point of being on This site if I lied about my food and exercise.... Sorry but some of these posts frustrated me...

    I'm sorry if my post was offensive or frustrating. It seems like many people here think this is an exact science and all the formulas and rules are very precise. They're not. They're ballpark figures for EVERYONE. I don't think you're deliberately fudging anything or slacking off or stupid. But each thing you enter into the diary is an approximation based on certain assumptions. Each entry will be a little off. You don't have a fancy lab. That's just how it is. Sometimes it all balances out and at the end of the day the numbers are in the right ballpark. Sometimes small inaccuracies add up big time and give you a misleading and confusing picture. It's completely normal. Don't let anyone here freak you out about anything or that you didn't eat or burn some precise figure or that their numbers come out very differently. Focus more on the larger trends and changes in your body and how you feel.

    i guess what I'm taking so long to say is it's possible you're doing what's right for your body even if it doesn't line up with someone else's diary or pseudoscience based dogma. Listen to your body. Take the rules and formulas and theories with a grain of salt. Consistency & common sense are more important than precision.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    My food diary is there for all of you to see

    I took a quick look and the exercise figures don't seem unreasonable to me- if it is really intense, you've been training for a long time and you aren't very petite. Your diet is honestly extremely light. I don't know how you do it. I did a juice fast in December that was 1200 calories and I couldn't function, had to pull back on exercise, and was starting to get sick in under a week. If you are well, alert and active on this plan over a long period I can only sit here and be jealous. Obviously out of the 2 of us you will be the one that survives the zombie apocalypse. :wink:

    It's completely up to you if you want/need to add lean protein, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, rice, complex carbohydrates, fruit, healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, breads, pasta, etc.
  • meghan1789
    meghan1789 Posts: 81 Member
    As long as you at least get to the minimum 1200, it's not a huge deal. If you are burning a ton of calories (like 1000+), it wouldn't hurt to go above that, but I have seen a lot of people on here who don't eat their exercise calories back. But it is important to meet your minimum, because otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and actually conserves calories instead of burning them and you won't lose weight that way.

    But remember, don't just eat something to get to your 1200. That's great if you eat healthy up to 1000, but then if you add a chocolate bar just to get to 1200, that's not good. Make sure you are not eating empty calories.

    I would try a protein shake or something after a workout. Or like one of those specialty juice places where you can add a booster supplement to it. Protein is great for building muscle after a workout.

    I agree with whoever said eat nuts - those are great for being good fats, and they fill you up.

    Good luck!