CONSTANTLY go over my calories...

I have such a problem...nearly every day I go over my calories..
I dont know what my problem is. I'm really trying to stay under, and even if it's just for 20-25 minutes I'm working out every day which is new for me. I really just cant seem to stay in my allotted calories for the day. Today was really bad, almost 700 over, so I'm feeling really down about it all. I'm going through all this stress of trying to count calories, but what does it even matter if I cant seem to stay under them. I've tried lowering my weight loss goal for each week, but it seems even if I'm allowed more calories each day, I just find a way to go over them anyhow..any advice??


  • Plan what you are going to eat a day in advance and stick to it.
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I was doing so well when I started MFP 8 weeks ago ... And lately I noticed I want to eat everything in sight! I know my problem is mindless eatting, and for me, I just have to say NO! Sooner or later if we really want this program to work out for us WE have to take control over what we eat. Don't beat yourself up, recognize that you need to get back on track and do it! It's gonna take time but you will get there.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Look at the foods you are eating. Some things are much higher in calories, perhaps you can substitute lower-calorie foods? For instance, if you are snacking on nuts, they are very high in calories and maybe you'd do better with a cheese stick? Be sure to eat plenty of protein to keep hunger at bay. I eat every 2-3 hrs now but it's only about 200 or 300 calories each time, and I still come out OK.