40 years old with liver disease, "dying" to lose weight!

I found out a few weeks ago that I have stage 1 liver disease. If I don't lose the excess weight, I will have cirrhosis in 10 years. I have alot of living left to do so I am determined to lose the weight. I saw a dietician today who introduced me to this site. Any suggestions on how to get motivated to work out? I work 40-42 hours a week on my feet and I am tired at the end of the day...


  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Sorry to hear about your health. Congrats on joining here though. This place is a great source of motivation for me. When I see my friends progressing it helps me to want to progress as well. I hear you on the 40+ hour week on your feet. That's tough. I used to have that sort of job and when I did I made sure to do exercises that didn't require me to be on my feet. I lifted small weights and rode a stationary bicycle. If there is a public pool near where you live that would also be a good low impact exercise. Good luck with your weight loss goals and if you need or want a friend on here just send me a request. :)