Am I the only one?



  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    I'm 237 and MFP set me at 1250. I talked to my primary care physician a while back and checked with her and she said that should be totally fine.

    I hit a plateau a while back (whether it's gone is still debatable) but I bumped my calories up to 1500/day for a couple of days and just couldn't do it, that was too much. I guess I'm right where I should be.

  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    It depends on your activity level settings. If you picked sedentary, then you will be eating less than someone who is lightly active or active.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    You're not alone!
    I'm currently at 268 lbs and have been netting between 1200-1400 calories per day. MFP set my calorie goal to 1390 to loose 2 lbs per week. I'm finally getting used to it and finding low cal foods that keep me full (and satisfy my sweet tooth). I've lost 11 in the first two weeks.

    Oh my gosh! we're twins!
  • NikkiP80
    I'm a little bit over 200lb and my calorie intake is set at 1450calories by MFP and seems to be working really well. I don't tend to eat the calories I burn through exercise.

    When I started I played around with providing different answers to the goal setting part of MFP and got a really wide range of calorie outcomes as a result of how much I wanted to lose, how fast I wanted to lose it, the nature of my every day life and also how much I planned on exercising.

    My Dr also approved of the 1450 calorie mark, but I think its important to find what works for you because fundamentally we're all different.