advise please



  • ChefSuzzieQ
    When I know I will be indulging in something I focus on having a small yet nutritious breakfast. And then either a healthier dinner or lunch, depending on when the indulgence will occur during the day. It works for me.
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    skipping a meal is NEVER Wise. Even a small Yogurt, Protein bar, some eggs and toast. SOMETHING for breakfast is the best. You know you're going to eat them so just adjust the rest of your meals around it. ENJOY them Ahhh to have some descent fish and chips. Relax, enjoy, and then just eat a smaller veggie style dinner.

    I hope you enjoy and Do not deprive yourself of the wonderful Fish and Chips....Send me some ??? :-)
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    i heard that it doesn't matter what time you eat. so if you decide to not eat the whole day and eat only at night, you won't gain weight. however, this isn't good for you but its your decision! do what you think you'd like :)
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I don't see why not but skipping breakfast isn't the best thing to do.. maybe just have a banana or something small for breakfast and then enjoy your chips :)
  • simonburrows
    simonburrows Posts: 22 Member
    Well I had the Fish & Chips.....................and oh boy were they good, we have new management at our local chippy, and for some reason he seems to have chosen my business partner and i to do his word of mouth marketing. We ask for the special offer "Mini" Fish & Chips...........He's Greek, generous and hospitable, nobody could eat the amount of Chips he gives us, as for the size of the Fish..........Oh dear....................BIG!!!!!!
    For two blokes this has become somewhat a competition, you might say our own version of "man V food" For some reason Mr Greek also decided to throw in a couple of free fishcakes also.
    Well were did all this lead to, how did I feel? .................Guilty, I felt I had let down myself and all my new found friends on MFP, to the point where I couldn't bring myself to participate in Friend interaction, I must add at this point that it wasn't just the Fish & Chips. Only the Evening before I had put away a Giant portion Donner Kebab and last night indulged in Indian food, beer and Chocolate.
    This has all lead me to start thinking seriously about my weight problem and to look a little more deeply at myself and the psychology behind all of this. Why Did I over eat? Why did I feel Guilty? Why do I get cravings? Why do I prefer foods that are bad for me?
    So many question and I'm hoping, with your help I can answer them and beat this stinking problem of excess fat in my body that I have carried around with me for so long and I'm so damned fed-up with
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    All those takeaways sound like a habit you've got into (Friday night is pizza night, etc)

    And as we all know, habits are hard to break - but can be done. You don't have to give up that sort of food altogether, but you do need to keep for a once a week treat.

    Are you much of a cook yourself? It's not that hard to make healthier versions at home - I baked cod fillets last night in a couscous crumb, served with sweet potato wedges. Indian can be OK if you avoid creamy sauces, go easy on the rice and pass on the naan.

    You're spot on in exploring the WHY you eat - is it habit? Can't cook won't cook? A reward cos you deserve it?
  • simonburrows
    simonburrows Posts: 22 Member
    Well actually, I'm a pretty good cook, but also I run a business and time does become an issue here, however I suppose its also an issue of tiredness or plain old can't be arsed
  • JazzBar9363
    Hmmm...there you go Simon. Most everyone who is overweight goes through this! Guilt is the number one cause of obesity in my book! We all suffer guilt for some reason or other. To ease that guilt, we all do something to sabatoge ourselves. It could be anything, but I, along with others, choose to overeat.

    As to the reason why you prefer bad foods...because they taste so darn good! All that oil, sugar, preservatives? It's to make food taste good! Unnaturally good. So we start to crave it. If we could stay away from all that for at least a month, regular natural food would start tasting good again.

    Next Friday, plan a walk for lunchtime. If there is some touristy attraction going on, go to that instead. Pack your own lunch with something healthy that you really really like and have a picnic away from the office. That way you won't feel you have missed out on the fish n chips back at the office. Do this every Friday. Once you have lost 20 pounds or so (not sure how you do it in UK) have a SMALL portion of the fish n chips to reward yourself. Just enough to get the flavor. Bring a healthy lunch on that day too so you won't be tempted to eat more of the fish. Good luck!'s a new day!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Aha, I think you need to do some forward planning (if you run a business, this should be easy :wink: )

    Do you have a bit of free time at the weekends? Could you do up multiple batches of curry, pasta sauce, etc, and freeze them in single portions?
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    ...multiple batches of curry, pasta sauce, etc, and freeze them in single portions?

    that is what Mrs Aperture_Science and I do. It works well and is cheaper than cooking two portions because of bulk buying. We make Quorn Chilli, Curry sauce, Beef Stroganoff, and sometimes bolognaise sauce.