Gaining while doing 30 day shred?

So today is my weigh in day. I just gained back the 2lbs I lost last week. I started the 30 day shred on Monday this week. Please tell me the two are linked because I've been bang on or under my calorie goals all week and I feel like crying now.


  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Thanks. That sounds totally logical to me. So why did it make me feel so ****ty when I saw the number on the scales? I wasn't expecting to have lost anything, but to gain?

    I wasn't prepared for that.
  • rhindon
    rhindon Posts: 35 Member
    It's not uncommon. Did you take your measurements before starting the shred? If not, taken them now. A pound of muscle is about the same size as three rolls of pennies rubberbanded together, whereas a pound of fat is about the same size as four quarters of butter. Muscle takes up less space than fat, though weighing the same (obviously, a pound is a pound). I guess what I'm trying to say is your efforts may show up in your physical body measurements before they show up on the scale.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Yeah I took measurements, and was planning to take them after each ten days of the shred. So in 5 days time.

    I know you're making's just a hard change when you're used to seeing your weight go down every week I suppose.
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    man i did for 5 days and gained too.... and either my measurements have gone up or i had the tape measure in the wrong spot!
    Unfortunately i have been put into a moonboot, so cannot complete the 30DS yet! have to just do the stomach work!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    agreed, you cannot gain muscle on a deficit, sorry OP, it's water weight or something is off in your diet. Let nature takes it's course. My diet has been spot on this week and I am up 2 pounds. I have a feeling it's because my sodium intake is high and my water intake is lacking.
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    Sorry! :o.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    This is correct. You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit. You did not gain muscle. Chances are you are either retaining water, or overestimating your calorie burn. 30DS has very little cardio so although you'll be increasing your fitness, you won't be burning as many calories. Many people, myself included, choose to combine 30DS with cardio, or do alternate days. Personally I did 20 minutes cardio on top of 30DS and lost a ton of weight and inches that way.
  • TonyaCrego
    TonyaCrego Posts: 59 Member
    I hate to say it but i gained too and i quit! Its a mental thing for me so i feel like id rather get to my goal weight then tone up so that the weight thing dont psych me out! Yea im lame but i only have 25lbs to lose so im not to worried about sagging skin or anything! Grrrr....

    Good Luck!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Gaining 2 pounds of muscle did not happen in 5 days. Two pounds is well within normal weght fluctuations. Also, take a deep breath and unclench. Stress hormones inhibit weight loss. Try to enjoy the process.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    agreed, you cannot gain muscle on a deficit, sorry OP, it's water weight or something is off in your diet. Let nature takes it's course. My diet has been spot on this week and I am up 2 pounds. I have a feeling it's because my sodium intake is high and my water intake is lacking.

    while i agree that the OP is not building muscle on her deficit while doing 30 day shred, i feel that you can build muscle on a calorie deficit as long as you keep your protein high.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Agree with all the folks saying you aren't gaining/building muscle. You are retaining water due to the increased muscle activity.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    agreed, you cannot gain muscle on a deficit, sorry OP, it's water weight or something is off in your diet. Let nature takes it's course. My diet has been spot on this week and I am up 2 pounds. I have a feeling it's because my sodium intake is high and my water intake is lacking.

    while i agree that the OP is not building muscle on her deficit while doing 30 day shred, i feel that you can build muscle on a calorie deficit as long as you keep your protein high.

    While this is true for some people in some cases, I think it's wildly overstated on the forums. I'm not saying by you, but generally speaking I think people believe the ability to build muscle on a deficit is easier, faster, and more common than it really is.

    It happens in a small percent of the population under pretty specific circumstances, is VERY slow to happen, and happens in very small amounts.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    agreed, you cannot gain muscle on a deficit, sorry OP, it's water weight or something is off in your diet. Let nature takes it's course. My diet has been spot on this week and I am up 2 pounds. I have a feeling it's because my sodium intake is high and my water intake is lacking.

    while i agree that the OP is not building muscle on her deficit while doing 30 day shred, i feel that you can build muscle on a calorie deficit as long as you keep your protein high.

    While this is true for some people in some cases, I think it's wildly overstated on the forums. I'm not saying by you, but generally speaking I think people believe the ability to build muscle on a deficit is easier, faster, and more common than it really is.

    It happens in a small percent of the population under pretty specific circumstances, is VERY slow to happen, and happens in very small amounts.

    agreed. i've been at about 218 pounds since december first, but i've dropped almost 4% in body fat. yes, i've built muscle, while dropping weight,, but its a slow process.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    So today is my weigh in day. I just gained back the 2lbs I lost last week. I started the 30 day shred on Monday this week. Please tell me the two are linked because I've been bang on or under my calorie goals all week and I feel like crying now.

    i started the shred 7 days ago, & guess what...I was up 2 lbs on day 5 too.(a bit frustrating , I know) But I could genuinely see my body changing. I do have more muscle in my legs than day one. I am physically stronger and i can visually see that my legs are slimmer(fat shrinkage) and SEE and FEEL the muscle, Anyway, today is my day 7and guess what I'm down 2lbs from my 30ds start weight, and that is measurable in inches of flabby fat shrinkage lost in my waist and upper arms. Everyone is different. It is possible to build muscle if you are eating the right things. I have a whey protein shake after my workouts. I also do an additional 30 min of cardio daily, & weight training 3 days a week. Don't give up, remember muscle boosts your metabolism.

    *This is just what happened to MY body in MY experience. I am not saying anyone is right or wrong. People are different, we all have different body types, different levels of fitness, heights, weights, and eat differently.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I started it last week and completed L1 5 times before my weekly weigh in. I had the worst results that I've had since starting - lost on 1/2lb - couldn't move my ticker:( I also damaged my knees a bit.
    BUT I did feel smaller and tighter and now that my knees are better, I'm going to do it every other day and keep up a good cardio programme.
    So you're clearly not the only one who has this response to 30DS - if we keep at it, we'll probably get a good result next time. And I'm also scheduled to measure this week, fingers crossed for that.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, I imagine it is where you have been building a bit of muscle with the strength and abs! :o)

    Um, no this is not possible in one week at a calorie deficit.

    OP, so far you have gotten loads of misinformation. You are probably retaining water from starting a new program and being sore. Use the search function and you will see thread after thread on this very topic.

    agreed, you cannot gain muscle on a deficit, sorry OP, it's water weight or something is off in your diet. Let nature takes it's course. My diet has been spot on this week and I am up 2 pounds. I have a feeling it's because my sodium intake is high and my water intake is lacking.

    while i agree that the OP is not building muscle on her deficit while doing 30 day shred, i feel that you can build muscle on a calorie deficit as long as you keep your protein high.

    You do make a good point. I have been building muscle and losing fat in a SLIGHT calorie deficit, (with high protein). However, it's taken me months.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I hate to say it but i gained too and i quit! Its a mental thing for me so i feel like id rather get to my goal weight then tone up so that the weight thing dont psych me out! Yea im lame but i only have 25lbs to lose so im not to worried about sagging skin or anything! Grrrr....

    Good Luck!

    The less weight you have to lose, the more important it is to lift weights. You are doing yourself a disservice. I'm speaking from experience, I had little weight to lose and wasted a year doing only cardio and very light weights. I didn't start really losing and seeing results until I started lifting.

    Remember, you are stronger than the scale.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Well altogether I had 42lbs to lose. I HAD lost 21lbs, but today's weigh in brings that back to 19lbs.

    So that means I have 23lbs to lose. Is that a small amount? I suppose.

    I'll just keep on going with what I'm doing and hope to see a long term result. Adding in 45 mins of zumba a day today, my legs haven't been up to it this week after 30DS....up to Monday I did zumba every day.

    I think I'm just hitting a wall in every area. Very tired, sore, bad mood. I need to push myself big time.