Two days of lack of self control...

Okay. So I totally lost it. I had two days where I ate whatever, whenever, and so much that I am now wondering why I did it. I literally ate so much I gained 9 POUNDS!
And you would believe me if you saw how much I ate. Hell I ate peanut butter out of the jar with a large spoon. Whipped cream straight out of the can. Ice cream right out of the carton. Pop tarts!
So, my question for you all is how do I lose this horrendous weight gain? I am so made that I ruined the healthy progress train that I was on after I had a similar episode during Xmas. Any good literature I can brush up on that will give me an idea on a new healtheir lifestyle that will help me understand this crazy binges that I go on?


  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't think it is physically possible to gain 9lbs in two days unless you ate 31500 calories in that time.

    Stop beating yourself up and get back on track.
  • mclukey
    When I have days like this the scale jumps way up too...but just get back on track...most of it is just water weight and will go away in a few days. Don't beat yourself up..just move foward :)
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I did this to myself last weekend, although I've been too scared to hop on the scale. Needless to say, I have gained and it's making me crazy. I stayed within my calorie goal all week, went for long walks after work, drank plenty of water, and got good rest. I'm already starting to feel better.

    Just blow it off and get back on track. We're only human, after all!