Can't seem to get "un" stuck from vicious cycle. Help!

Hello all,

I have been on mfp for about a year. It is a great site. I have lost some weight, but nothing significant. I need to lose 30lbs. I think that I have a mental obsession with weight loss that hinders me from sticking to my plan and succeding. I see people who have lost over a hundred pounds, and I am just in awe. Then I think...why can't I lose 30?! I know that I have an emotional tie to food, and that night time is my enemy. I break the night time eating for a few days, and then go off for the next two. I am in sales, and have to go to lunches with clients, which throws me off. I am such a routine type of girl. I do exersize regularly, but because of my eating I stay in the same place. I have been doing this for so long (years!) that it is making me crazy! I am really at a loss (not weight ).I have so much discipline in other areas of my life, but when it comes to food it takes me to my knees. I have a big vacation coming up in April, and I would like to at least have lost 10lbs by then. Has anyone gone through this? Has anyone gone through this and broke the cycle? Thanks for letting me vent.